When using the J-44175-A tester, it is acceptable
for non-blended "normal" gasoline to measure
between 0% and 15% ethanol percentage (between
50 Hz and 65H z).
Tester Set-Up and verification
Follow the instructions in the tester set-up and
tester verification section in the front of this manual
before obtaining the fuel sample.
Fuel Quality - Water
Water contamination in the fuel system may cause
driveability conditions such as hesitation, stalling,
no start, or misfires in one or more cylinders. Water
may collect at the bottom of the fuel tank, near a
single fuel injector, or at the lowest point in the fuel
rail and cause a misfire in that cylinder.
It is possible for small amounts of water to be
absorbed by the ethanol found in normal gasoline/
ethanol fuel mixtures. However, it does change the
chemical properties of the mixture. The accuracy
of the J-44175-A Fuel Composition Tester can be
affected by small amounts of water that can be
held in suspension by the ethanol.
Large amounts of water will separate from the
fuel if a fuel sample is allowed to settle for a few
minutes. If the fuel system is contaminated with
water, inspect the fuel system components for rust
or deterioration.
Fuel Quality - Sediment
Sediment will be visible in a "settled" fuel sample.
Sediment may collect at the bottom of the fuel tank,
near a single fuel injector, or at the lowest point in
the fuel rail and cause a misfire in that cylinder.