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aquabrass otto 53N16 Guide D'installation page 9

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Do not allow water residues to come into prolonged contac t wit h t he sur face f inish. Af ter e ach use, gently dr y t he produc t sur face wit h a
cle an sof t clot h to prevent water-spot t ing and mineral build-up. Water stains and accumulat ion of minerals we aken t he prote c t ive coat ing,
eventually le ading to pe el of f.
Cle an t he sur face re gularly using a pH neut ral cle ar liquid soap, water and a sof t clot h. Rinse away any t races of soap and gently dr y wit h
a sof t cle an clot h. O ccasional applicat ion of Flit z Faucet Wax Plus is also re commende d. T he applicat ion of t his wax base d produc t le aves
a prote c t ive layer t hat repels water, t hereby providing ex t ra prote c t ion against tar nishing.
Avoid abrasive and har sh cle aning produc t s (detergent s, caust ic, acidic, ant ibac ter ial, ammonia- or ble ach-containing produc t s, organic
solvent s, lime scale and clog remover s, bras s and silver cle aner s, etc.). T he use of t hese produc t s can damage t he f inish and will void t he
war rant y. We re commend cover ing t he f ix ture wit h a towel when using any of t he liste d produc t s in order to prevent damage by splashing.
Residues lef t by per sonal produc t s such as soap, toot hpaste and shampoo can damage t he f inish. Always r inse t hese residues away wit h
cle an water and wipe dr y.
Due to t he charac ter ist ic s of t he Aquabras s custom f inishes and t heir appropr iate maintenance durabilit y dependency, t he
war rant y for custom f inish produc t s is t hre e (3) ye ar s. T here are no retur ns on custom f inish produc t s.
Adjustments for specif ic restrictions can be made on most of our lavator y bathroom faucets in order to coordinate with
regional flow rate allowances. A low flow restrictor is sold at $10 per unit. Please contact your local Aquabrass representative for ad-
ditional details.
Complying with North American plumbing standards and guaranteeing environmental products of the highest quality is our top priority.

