1. InTroduCTIon
Dear customer, thank you for choosing the COИИECT smart thermostat.
It will allow you to accurately control the room temperature and, thanks to Wi-Fi connec-
tivity, can be controlled remotely via the dedicated APP.
This manual is intended for installers and end users.
The main component of the system is the programmable thermostat that can manage
the time programs set by the APP, measure the zone temperature and send on/off com-
mands to the remote control unit, connected directly to the boiler.
2. GEnEral saFETy rulEs
• Read the instructions in this manual carefully
• After installation, inform the user about the device's functions, and giving the user this
booklet to be kept carefully as an integral part of the product and subsequently used
for future reference
• Installation and maintenance must be carried out by qualified personnel, according to
the rules in force and the manufacturer's instructions. Do not perform any operation
on the sealed control parts.
• Remove the electrical power supply before cleaning.
• Do not place the device near heat sources.
• Keep out of the reach of children
3. ConTrol Class aCCordInG To ErP rEGulaTIons
With reference to the applicable regulation (EU) No. 811/2013, the data shown in the
table can be used to complete the labeling of heating units.
Possible combinations with COИИECT, related configuration classes and energy contri-
bution to the system.
cod. 3541T131 - Rev. 02 - 06/2021