gate configurations (choose which best fits your scenario)
Measure the width of the opening where you intend to install the gate. Refer to the following
illustrations to determine the correct installation con guration. Baseboard molding may change which
con guration is appropriate.
(28"- 30.25") without extension frames
Note: This instruction book illustrates
installation of gate con guration C.
If choosing gate con guration A, skip
ahead to step 2. Otherwise, follow step 1
using the appropriate extension frames
that best t your scenario.
(35.5"- 38.25") with two extension frames
Important: Gate includes a door stop
(part E) which prevents the gate from
swinging open in one direction.
When installing the gate at the TOP OF
STAIRS, be sure that the door stop is
used so the door cannot open over the
(31.5"- 34.25") with one extension frame