Explanations about electrosmog
The Federal Office for the Environment (BAFU) states the following
about electric smog: « It is undisputed that non-thermal radiation
(electromagnetically and digitally) has a significant influence on
human body.*». This means nothing other than: Electric smog is
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity is increasing.More and more peo-
ple are realising the direct impact of electromagnetic pollution on
their bodies. The effects of electro-magnetic scatter fields, i.e. elec-
tric smog, have been scientifically proven. they exist in the form of
mobile phones, LED screens and television, lamps and more. Many
sources of radiation affect
Research and science have developed the meta-converter!
A group of Swiss scientists, therapists, and health professionals,
together with universities and researchers, were able to develop a
* www.bafu.admin.ch - Topics / Electrosmog / Topics Electrosmog and Light
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