DOR – Indication de l'état de la porte
--DOR,a,,aa,cc,xxx,xxx,a,a,c--c*hh CR> LF>
3 4
1. Message type
S=Status for section: the number of faulty and/or open doors reported in the division specified in
field 4 and 5. The section may be a whole section (one or both of the division indicator fields are null) or
a sub-section. The status S is normally transmitted at regular intervals.
E = Status for single door. (E may be used to indicate an event).
F = Fault in system: Division indicator fields defines the section when provided.
2. Event time
Time when this status/message was valid.
3. Type of door monitoring system
The field is two characters, see table below.
4. First division indicator
First division indicator where door is located.
5. Second division indicator
Second division indicator where door is located.
6. Door number or door open count
This field is three fixed numeric characters. When the message type field is E this field identifies the
door. When message type fields is S this field contains the number of doors that are open or faulty.
When the message type field is F this field is null.
7. Door status
When the message type is S or F this field shold be a null field. When the message type field is E.
this field is specified by the following:
O = Open C = Close F = Free status (for watertight door) X = Fault (door status unknown)
8. Water tight door switch setting
This field includes a single character specified by the following:
O = Harbour mode (allowed open) C = Sea mode (ordered closed)
9. Message s description text
Descriptive text/door tag. If a door allocation identifier is string type, it is possible to use this field instead
of the above door allocation fields. The maximum number of characters will be limited by the maximum
sentence length and the length of other fields.
Type de système de suivi de la
Catégorie du système
Portes étanches
Portes semi-étanches
(étanches aux éclabous-
Portes coupe-feu
Porte (de protection) de la
DPT – Profondeur
2 3
1. Water depth relative to the transducer, in meters (0.00 to 99999.99)
2. Offset from transducer, in meters (-99.99 to 99.99)
3. Minimum range scale in use (no use)
5 6 7 8 9
Indicateur première
Numéro de cloison étanche/
numéro de châssis
Numéro / lettre de la zone.
Il peut également s'agir du
numéro d'identification pour
le système principal de con-
trôle et de suivi.
Numéro d'indication de
porte / numéro de châssis
Voir ci-dessus
Indicateur deuxième
Numéro de pont
Numéro de pont ou numéro de
boucle du système de contrôle
ou autre indicateur de division
du système de contrôle tel
qu'approprié pour le système
Numéro de pont
Voir ci-dessus