NSR – Rapport d'état de navigation
$--NSR, a, A, a, A, a, A, a, A, a, A, a, a, A *hh<CR><LF>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1. Integrity of heading (see NOTE 1)
2. Plausibility of heading (see NOTE 2)
3. Integrity of position (see NOTE 1)
4. Plausibility of position (see NOTE 2)
5. Integrity of STW (see NOTE 1)
6. Plausibility of STW (NOTE 2)
7. Integrity of SOG and COG (see NOTE 1)
8. Plausibility of SOG and COG (see NOTE 2)
9. Integrity of depth (see NOTE 1)
10. Plausibility of depth (see NOTE 2)
11. Mode of STW (see NOTE 3)
12 Integrity of time (see NOTE 1)
13. Plausibility of time (see NOTE 2)
NOTE 1 Integrity status:
P = Passed, Integrity verification passed
F = Failed, integrity verification not passed
D = Doubtful, integrity verification not possible
N = Not available, reporting device does not support integrity check
NOTE 2 Plausibility status:
A = Yes (Plausible)
V = No (Not plausible)
N = Not available, reporting device does not support plausibility check
NOTE 3 Mode of STW
W = Measured water reference
E = Estimated/calculated from non-water referenced sources
M = Manual input
N = Not available
PRC – État du contrôle à distance de propulsion
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Lever demand position (-100 to 100, 0=Stop)
2. Lever demand status (A=Data valid V=Data invalid)
3. RPM demand value (-9999.9 to 9999.9)
4. RPM mode indicator (P=Per cent R=Revolutions per min.)
5. Pitch demand value (-999.9 to 999.9)
6. Pitch mode indicator (P=Per cent D=Degrees V=Data invalid)
7. Operating location indicator (B=Bridge P=Port wing S=Starboard wing
C=Engine control room E=Engine side/local W=Wing)
8. Number of engine or propeller shaft (00 to 99)