HRM – Dispositif de mesure d'angle de gîte, de période de roulis et d'amplitude de roulis
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3 4 5 6 7
1. Actual heel angle, degrees (see Note 1)
2. Roll period, seconds (see Note 2)
3. Roll amplitude, port side, degrees (see Note 3)
4. Roll amplitude, starboard side, degrees (see Note 4)
5. Status (see Note 5)
6. Roll peak hold value, port side, degrees (see Note 6)
7. Roll peak hold value, starboard side, degrees (see Note 7)
8. Peak hold value reset time (see Note 8)
9. Peak hold value reset day, 01 to 31 (see Note 9)
10. Peak hold value reset month, 01 to 12 (see Note 10)
Note 1: Actual heel angle, momentary angle of roll referenced to a levelled ship to port or
starboard side, (positive value starboard, negative value port)
Note 2: Roll period, time between successive maximum values of heel angle to port over
starboard and back to port (or the other way round)
Note 3: Roll amplitude of port side as positive value, maximum value of heel angle to port side of
the latest motion
Note 4: Roll amplitude of starboard side, maximum value of heel angle to starboard side of the
latest motion
Note 5: Status, A=data valid, V=data invalid
Note 6: Roll peak hold value of port side, maximum value of heel angle to port side of the
motions measured from the last reset with a minimum resolution of 1 degree. This shall be a null
field when data is not available
Note 7: Roll peak hold value of starboard side, maximum value of heel angle to starboard side of
the motions measured from the last reset with a minimum resolution of 1 degree. This shall be a
null field when data is not available
Note 8: Peak hold value reset time, time when the peak hold values are reset, UTC hour, minute
and second. Decimal point and fractions of the seconds shall not be used. This shall be a null
field when data is not available
Note 9: Peak hold value reset day, day when the peak hold values are reset, UTC day. This shall
be a null field when data is not available
Note 10: Peak hold value reset month, month when the peak hold values are reset, UTC month.
This shall be a null field when data is not available
HSS – Systèmes de surveillance du travail de la coque
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1. Measurement point ID
2. Measurement value
3. Data status
A = data valid
V = data invalid
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