RTE – Routes
$--RTE,x.x,x.x,a,c--c,c--c,........,c--c*hh <CR><LF>
2 3 4
1. Total number of messages being transmitted (1 to n, or null)
2. Sentence number (1 to n, or null)
3. Message mode (C=Complete route W=Working route, first listed)
4. Route identifier (alphabet or null)
5. Waypoint identifier (alphabet or null)
6. Additional waypoint indentifiers
7. Waypoint "n" identifier (alphabet or null)
THS – Cap vrai et état
1 2
1. Heading, degrees True (0.00 to 360.00)
2. Mode indicator (A=Autonomous E=Estimated M=Manual input
S=Simulator V=Data not valid)
TRC – Données de contrôle propulseur
$--TRC,x,x.x,a,x.x,a,x.x, a,a*hh<CR><LF>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Number of thruster, bow or stern
Odd = Bow thruster Even = Stern thrusters
2. RPM demand value
"-" port
3. RPM mode indicator
P = Per cent (%): 0 - 100 % from zero to maximum rpm
R = Revolutions per min V = data invalid
This should not be a null field.
4. Pitch demand value
"-" port
5. Pitch mode indicator
P = Per cent (%) D = Degree (°) V = Data invalid
6. Azimuth demand (000.0 to 359.9)
Direction of thrust in degrees (0° - 360°). This may be a null field.
7. Operating location indicator
B = Bridge P = Port wing S = Starboard wing
C = Engine control room E = Engine side/local W = Wing
This should not be a null field.
8. Sentence status flag
R = Sentence is status report of current settings (used for a reply to a query).
C = Sentence is a configuration command to change settings. A sentence without
"C" is not a command.