Remote control has no response:
Note: To properly watch CANAL+ using this product, carry out DVB-T channel
search when CANAL+ is unscrambled, from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Important Notice
The display of this television is made up of a large number of colour pixels.
Although it has at least 99.999% of effective pixels, some black dots or bright
spots (red, green or blue) may appear constantly on the screen. This is a
characteristic of the screen (according to industrial standards), and is not a
defect. Sometimes, the screen may include an unlit pixel, which will be seen
as a blue, red, green or black dot. This does not affect the functioning of the
product and should be considered normal.
Your product has been manufactured with great care. Nevertheless, it is
possible that some pixels remain constantly on or unlit. Please refer to the
table below about the tolerance level for defective pixels on this product.
Screen Size
Note on Defective Pixels
No. of Bright or
Dark Sub-Pixels
(Color Pixels)
No. of Bright or
Dark Pixels
(White or Black)
Continuous Line