Shown using a separate receiver pack.
(Battery can be plugged into any open port
except the Bind port.)
3. Move the throttle stick to the desired failsafe position, normally low throttle.
4. Follow the procedures of your specific transmitter to enter Bind Mode, the system will connect
within a few seconds. Once connected, the LED on the receiver will go solid indicating the system
is connected.
5. IMPORTANT: Remove the bind plug to prevent the system from entering bind mode the next time
the power is turned on.
6. CAUTION: After you've set up your model, it' s important to rebind the system so the true low
throttle is set.
AR600 Failsafe
• T he AR600 removes servo output pulses to all channels except the throttle channel during failsafe.
• T heAR600throttlefailsafepositionisstoredviathethrottlestickpositiononthetransmitter
during binding.
Receiver Power Only
• W henthereceiveronlyisturnedon(notransmittersignalispresent),thethrottlechannelhasno
output—to avoid operating or arming the electronic speed control.
Note: Some analog servos may coast slightly even though no signal is present. This is normal.
After Connection
• W henthetransmitteristurnedon,andafterthereceiverconnectstothetransmitter,normalcontrol
of all channels occurs.
• A fterthesystemmakesaconnection,iflossofsignaloccurs,theAR600Failsafedrivesthethrottle
servo only to its preset failsafe position (low throttle) that was set during binding.
Range Testing
Before each flying session and especially with a new model, it is important to perform a range check.
All Spektrum aircraft transmitters incorporate a range testing system which, when activated, reduces
the output power, allowing a range check.
Shown using a ESC/BEC and a flight pack.