Safety Notices - Tannoy AMS Serie Guide De Démarrage Rapide

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AMS Series
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18. Não instale em lugares
confinados, tais como estantes ou
unidades similares.
19. Não coloque fontes de
chama, tais como velas acesas,
sobre o aparelho.
20. Favor, obedecer os aspectos
ambientais de descarte de bateria.
Baterias devem ser descartadas em um
ponto de coletas de baterias.
21. Use este aparelho em climas
tropicais e/ou moderados.
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1. Introduction
Thank you for purchasing this new AMS Series product. Designed for both speech and music program material, the Tannoy AMS range
provides exceptional sonic quality and long-term reliability in all surface mount applications. The AMS range offers five models: three
featuring a new generation of Dual Concentric drivers and two with an improved version of Tannoy's ICT technology. All new drivers have
16 ohm nominal impedance for optimized use with Lab.gruppen amplifiers. Other features include IP65 rating for outdoor use, high-
temperature molded cabinets and custom color options. All AMS loudspeakers include a built-in line transformer.
Because all AMS models are true point-source loudspeakers, they may be mounted horizontally or vertically without affecting
performance. All models include a standard mounting yoke; a multi-angle VariBall accessory bracket is available as an option.

2. Safety Notices

Installation Safety Notice
The user is responsible for fixing the hardware to the surface to ensure safe operation. The fixings must support the weight of the
product. Please consult the manual's specification page for the appropriate weights. Please consult the relevant construction codes
in your region for further information on suitable hardware fixing methods.
Some regional construction codes require the use of a secondary method of securing loudspeakers to surfaces to provide security of a
back-up support. A secondary support line should be attached from the safety loop on the rear of the product to a source point on the
wall. Please consult the relevant construction codes in your region.
Tannoy will not be held accountable for any damage caused by incorrect installation.
Electrical Safety Notice: To comply with the standard UL1480, metal-clad flexible conduit (BX) is required for connection to the
terminal block for proper earth grounding.
Safety Note: In order to comply with the relevant fire safety regulations (i.e. BS 5839:1998), it is required that in the event of
fire, that failure of the circuit to which the loudspeaker is connected does not occur before evacuation of the building is complete.
Suitable measures include:
Use of terminal blocks (for connection to primary) with a melting point of not less than 650°C, for example constructed from ceramic materials;
Use of terminal blocks of a lower melting point but protected with thermal insulation;
Use of terminal blocks such that, on melting, an open-circuit or a short-circuit does not occur.
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