Adjusting the saddle
Depending on which cargo bike model you own, the saddle can be adjusted with the quick release seat post
clamp or with an Allen bolt. If your bike is equipped with quick release, pull the lever outwards and rotate the
set screw clockwise a quarter turn. Put the saddle at hip height, then lock the quick release by pushing the
lever as far up against the frame as possible. If you have an Allen bolt, loosen the bolt and set the saddle at
hip height. Then hand-tighten the bolt.
Your Babboe(-E) cargo bike has 7 gears. While cycling, you can shift gears from 1 to 7 using the shifter (on
the right-hand side of the handlebar). All Babboe Mountain models have a stepless shifting system. Using
the twist-grip control you can shift gears from a low pedalling frequency for flat paths to a high pedalling
frequency for ascending paths.
Always make sure you're in first or second gear when taking off. In addition, never pedal backwards,
this may cause the chain to come off and damage the cargo bike.
• With a Babboe non-electric cargo bike stop pedalling while your shift gears.
• With a Babboe-E cargo bike it is important that you shift gears while pedalling.
• With a Babboe Mountain cargo bike it does not matter if you shift gears while pedalling or not.
Tyre pressure and spoke tension
Tyre pressure must be good in order to have an enjoyable ride. This means the tyre pressure should be
between 3.5 and 4 bar. The harder the tyres, the more comfortable and lighter it feels to cycle on a Babboe
cargo bike. Inner tubes deflate slowly, so adjust the tyre pressure every two weeks. Regularly check spoke
tension as well. Loose spokes may cause flat tyres. When spokes are 'loose', have them tightened by a
Babboe dealer or at an approved bicycle shop.
All cargo bikes have lighting that bears the bicycle lighting quality label. Lighting on electric cargo bikes is
operated via the display. Lighting on non-electric cargo bikes is switched on and off with the button on the light.
Attaching the three-point belt
All family cargo bikes have three-point belts. The belt length can be adjusted, it should neither be too tight
nor too loose. If your hand can fit between the belt and your child's chest, the belt is the proper length.
Lock box
All Babboe Pro boxes have a sturdy lock with a handle, only the Babboe Pro Trike has a padlock. Open the box
by fully depre ssing the button on the handle and carefully lifting the lid. To close the box, carefully let the lid
drop into the lock. While gently pressing down, you'll hear a second click. This means the lid is tightly shut.
Before cycling, lock the lid using the key provided.