To exit the saved programs press the button Y1 (twice if the
program number has disappeared), the LEDs G2 and Y2 (if the
torch UD is inserted) will shut off, and the machine displays the
last setting before the PRG button was pressed.
NOTE: with the U/D button of the torch you may change the
program even while welding, and call up all of the saved
programs in sequence.
You may also call up in sequence welding programs of the same
type saved consecutively and bounded by two free programs.
This function is carried out with the arc in use. SERVICE FUNCTIONS MENU Managing the cooling unit
Press the button Y1 and, holding it down, press the button R1 to
enter in a submenu.
Use the knob X to make your choice: H2O
Turn the knob Y to select the operating mode:
- OFF = off.
- On C = always lit
- On A = automatic start-up. When the machine starts, the unit is
running. If the torch trigger is not pressed, it shuts off after 15
seconds. When the torch button is pressed, the unit begins
operating, and shuts off 3 minutes after the button itself is
Press the keys Y1 and R1 again to exit.
If the coolant pressure is too low, the power source delivers no
current and the message H2O will appear, flashing, on the
display S1. SP Spot-welding and stitch welding.
Active in two-stage (LED H1) or four-stage welding (LED I1).
Select using the knob X. The display C2 reads OFF. Turn the
knob Y until the message On appears on the display Y to
activate the function.
Turning the knob X, select the item "tSP" (spot welding time).
The display C2 displays the time of 1 second. Use the knob Y to
set the time, between 0.3 and 5 seconds.
If you want to set stitch welding (welding with automatic pause
time), turn the knob X again so that the display S1 reads "tIn"
(stitch time). The display C2 reads OFF. Turn the knob Y until a
number appears, which will be the time you select between
welds. Automatic Hot Start.(HSA).
Press the button Y1 and, while holding it down, press the button
R1 to enter a submenu.
Turn the knob X to select: HSA.
Turn the knob Y to select the type of operation:
OFF = Off
On = Active
The function is active in synergic MIG programs when three-
stage welding (LED J1) is selected. This function, pratically,
changes the welding mode from automatic to manual.
The operator may adjust:
1. The level of the "hot-start" current, LED I2.
2. Its duration, LED K2, range from 0.1-10 seconds.
3. The time to switch between the "hot-start" current and welding
current, LED J2.
The parameters set with the LEDs I2, J2, and K2 may be
selected (knob X) and adjusted (knob Y) after selecting the HSA
function. The following items are available:
SC = starting current corresponding to the LED I2.
Slo = Slope (interface time) corresponding to the LED J2.
tSC = Starting current time corresponding to the LED K2. CrA (crater filler- final crater filling).
The function may be selected using the knob X, and operates in
two-stage (LED H1) or four-stroke welding (LED I1) and if you
wish, also in combination with the HSA function. After activating
the function by selecting "On" with the knob Y, turn the knob X to
display the items:
Slo = Interface time between the welding current and crater
current. Default 0.5 sec. Adjustment range 0.1 –10 sec.
CrC = crater current expressed as a percentage of the wire
speed in welding. Default 60%. Adjustment range 10 –
TCr = crater current duration. Default 0.5 sec. Adjustment range
0.1 –10 sec. Double pulse ( Art. 312 Optional) pict. 4
This type of welding varies the current intensity between two
levels and may be included in all synergic programs.
Before setting, it is necessary to make a short bead to determine
the speed closest to the type of welding that you will be doing.
This determines the reference speed.
Proceed as follows to activate the function:
Press the button Y1 and, while holding it down, press the
button R1 to enter a submenu.
Turn the knob X until the abbreviation "dP" appears on the
display S1. Activate the function by turning the knob Y until
the message On appears on the display C2.
Turn the knob X until the message FdP (double pulse
frequency) appears on the display S1. Display C2 shows
the message OFF. Turn the knob Y to select the working
frequency (range from 0.5 to 5 Hz). The value selected is
shown on display C2.
Turn the knob X until the message ddP (double pulse
difference in m/min) appears. Turn the knob Y to select the
meters per minute (range 0.1- 3m/min) that will be added to
and subtracted from the reference speed (default 1m/min).
Turn the knob X until the message tdP appears. This is the
duration of the highest wire speed, thus the highest current.
It is expressed as a percentage of the time gained from the
frequency Fdp (see figure 3). Turn the knob Y to adjust the
percentage. Range between 25 and 75% (default 50%).
Turn the knob X until the message AdP appears (arc length
of the highest current). Range -9.9 - 9.9 (default 0).
Make sure that the arc length in welding is the same for both
currents; turn the knob Y to correct if necessary.
Note: it is possible to weld within the double pulse functions.
Once these adjustment have been made, to return to the normal
panel configuration press the button Y1 and, while holding it
down, press the button R1.
Should it be necessary to adjust the arc length of the lowest
current/lowest speed, adjust the arc length of the reference
speed (LED E2 activated).
When the reference speed moves, the previous settings must
also be repeated for the new speed. FAC (factory) Function.
The purpose is to return the welding machine to the original
settings provided by the manufacturer.
Press the button Y1 and, while holding it down, press the button
R1 to enter a submenu.
Turn the knob X to select: FAC
Turning the knob Y allows you to select the items:
noP =
Restores operation as set by the manufacturer without
erasing saved programs. The cooling unit is shut off.
Prg =
All saved programs are deleted.
Restores operation as set by the manufacturer. The
cooling unit is shut off.
To activate the function press the button Z1. ITO (inching time out) function.
The purpose is to stop the welding machine if the wire flows for
50 cm after starting with no passage of cur-rent.
Press the button Y1 and, while holding it down, press the button
R1 to enter a submenu.
Turn the knob X to select: ITO.