TV Brand Code Numbers
Panasonic ....................... 01, 02
Quasar ............................ 01, 02
RCA ....................................... 03
GE ......................................... 03
Zenith .................................... 04
Magnavox .............................. 05
Important Notes
• Some manufacturers use several codes for one brand. If the first code entered fails, try the
next one listed.
• Some TV brands require you to turn on the power manually.
PV-D4743S-K P26-35 (030223) RAM.p65
Sylvania ................................ 05
Sharp ............................... 06, 07
Sony ...................................... 08
Toshiba ................................. 09
Sanyo .................................... 10
Fisher .................................... 10
JVC ........................................ 11
Hitachi ................................... 12
Mitsubishi ........................ 07, 13
Samsung ............................... 14
Gold Star ................... 15, 16, 17
2003/03/14, 10:34