Mig Torch And Tig Torch (Not Included In Standard Accessories) Explosive Chart; Gas Shielded Welding Installation; Operating Instructions; Operation Panel Interface - Reboot RBM2100 MIG Manuel D'utilisation
The welding torch is inserted into the output socket of the front panel and screwed tightly. And put the wire into the gun.Unscrew the nozzle contact tip. And
feed the wire through the torch. After the wire successfully go through.Please install the contact tip. For fluxed core wire, please fasten Ceramic nozzle, for
solid wire please fasten copper nozzle.
2.2 MIG Torch and TIG Torch (Not included in standard accessories) explosive chart
MIG Torch nozzel 1 and contact tip 2 are consumables. Please change when needed.
2.3 Gas shielded welding Installation.
① MIG welding
The gas cylinder containing the carbon dioxide gas, mixture gas or argon gas decompression flow meter is closely connected with the intake inlet of the
Connect the machine rear gas fast plug and gas regulator with the gas hose in accessories.
② LIFT TIG welding
The gas cylinder containing the argon gas decompression flow meter is closely connected with the gas tube on torch.
3 Operating instructions
3.1 Operation panel interface
Voltage display:Display output voltage only when working,otherwise 000 is displayed
Current display:Display output current only when working,otherwise 000 is displayed