The isolation provided by the transformer means that the grounds of the units are not connected by the audio lines. Therefore,
ground loops and other problems caused by non-isolated systems are avoided. The polarity of the audio lines between the (+) and
(-) signal terminals need not be maintained.
A shielded cable can be used in installations where extreme problems from interference are suspected. The shield should always
be connected to the ground of only one of the intercoms. Connecting the shield to ground at both ends will cause ground currents
to travel through the shield which could cause hum in the system.
There are several diagrams in the back of the manual to aid in wiring intercoms together. The wiring diagram section illustrates
balanced and unbalanced line interconnection along with how a shielded audio cable can be used. (See Figures 12 through 15.)
It also illustrates multiple intercom interconnections.
Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV) devices are used to protect the audio lines and the remote control line. The intercom must have
Earth Ground terminated to it to ensure surge protection.
The output amplifier of the 310 offers full short circuit protection and over heat protection.
Operating Voltage
Current Draw
Amplifier Specifications
Frequency Response (-6dB)
Input Impedance
Max. Output Voltage
Sine Wave:
Balanced Output
Unbalanced Output
Square Wave:
Balanced Output
Unbalanced Output
Speaker Rating
Speaker Impedance
Temperature Range for Ordinary Locations
Temperature Range for Hazardous Locations
Fuse Type GMC-1/2
Call Switch Contact Rating
Housing Dimensions
Conduit Entrances
Housing Material
Agency Listings
310-MV (without optional microphone)
310-MV-MNC (with microphone)
24 Vdc, 120 Vac and 240 Vac 50/60 Hz
24 Vdc
260 mA
120 Vac
163 mA
240 Vac
82 mA
150 Hz to 12 kHz
3400 ohms
15 Vrms
7.5 Vrms
19 Vrms
9.5 Vrms
30 watts
16 ohms
–31° F to +150° F (–35° C to +66° C)
+41° F to +149° F (+5° C to +65° C)
1/2 A, 250 V
400 mA at 125 Vac
1.25 A at 24 Vdc
11 lb, 5 oz
9 lb, 14 oz
6-7/8" W x 10‑3/8" H x 4‑3/4" D
Dual 1/2"‑14 IPS
UL (UEHX), (UXPL, Marine) & CSA - For indoor or outdoor
use, Type 4X enclosure.
UL (UEHX), CSA - For indoor use only.
UL (UJPX and UJPX7), (UXPL, Marine) and CSA - For indoor
or outdoor use in Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D;
Class II, Division 2, Groups F and G; Class III hazardous loca
tions; Type 4X enclosure.
62 mA
70 mA
35 mA