Any physical injury or loss of property caused by the following reasons, our company shall not be liable to
compensation for the loss:
• Not operating with regulations.
• lmproper installation, testing, operation, cleaning, maintenance a nd device option.
• Not observe the maintenance period interval.
• Operation machine under the safety device damage, improper ins tallation or failure.
• Without observing the regulations referenced about machine savi-ng, installation, operation and maintenance.
• Not using the machine in normal condition.
• lmproper reparation.
• Only recommended original spare parts .
• Only recommended cleaning agent .
• Damaged caused by foreign malter, accident, human and other b eyond human contrai.
• lnsert foreign matter into machine or open the caver by foreign matter.
Manufacture assume full liability for compensation when the user observing the maintenance period interval
and purchasing original spare parts.
• No any water in the beans hopper and powder hopper.
• Don't open the door, take out ground container, drip tray, water tank a nd any other spare parts, when machine working.
• Water tank only for cold and pure water, hot water and ice water is not permitted;
• The half roasted beans and beans with less oil for suggesting. The oily beans and burned beans are not for
• Attention with bums. Don't touch the outlet, when the drink in process.
• The brush and cleaning agent are not permitted. ln case of machine d amaging, please clean machine with soft cloth.
• Water and the powder must be lower than the MAX line. If there is no MAX line, please pour water and
powder about 8 full.
• Don't power off, when the machine is drink making, self-testing, clean ing automatically.
• Adjust the coffee outlet height with the cups.
• Power off with correct steps: Please click the «Power off', machine rin se automatically. Rinse is completed, the
display light off. Push the p ower button. Please unplug it.
• Pleas clean the ground container and waste water barrel.
• To make sure the good quality, we suggest clean water tank and cha nge water daily.
• Don't use machine, when the tape water is stopped. (If the machine s upplied with tape water)