The Ikarus Wing Gyro is a new gyro system assigned to the use on wing R/C
planes. The Wing Gyro is the successor of the famous and well tried Safe
Control Duo, but with further improvements and additional new properties.
In wing models the Wing Gyro can alternatively control ailerons, rudder or
elevator. A committed pilot will be able to use this gyro as before to control 2
servos via separate channels and he will furthermore be able to utilize the
ailerons as landing flaps or spoilers. Besides this the Wing Gyro provides a
built in automatic stick authority system. In neutral stick position the gyro
holding power is at its maximum and decreases gradually with stick
deflection. In addition the sensitivity of the gyro can be remote controlled
between 0 and 100% from the transmitter via an additional channel. The
Wing Gyro recognizes and computes deliberate control movements, that is
the gyro effect is maintained even if for instance ailerons are used as
spoilers. The Wing Gyro comprises no moving parts with liability to defects, it
is a pure electronical and dependable device without any wear.
Specifications of the Wing Gyro
high holding power
internal stick authority system (automatic stick priority)
remote adjustable gyro sensitivity 0...100%
basic sensitivity adjustment by potentiometer
jumper for servo reversal
after switching-on automatic self calibration to
operating voltage range + 4.4... 12 V
weight approx. 0.9 oz.
outside dimensions approx. 1.5" x 1.6" x 0.7"
control LED
Aileron control of wing models
Stick Authority System
The Wing Gyro comprises an internal automatic stick authority system (also
"stick priority"), that is to say the gyroscopic effect is highest at the stick
neutral position and decreases gradually when the stick deflection
approaches maximum.
The Wing Gyro connectors see below:
To receiver
1. rudder channel
To receiver
2. rudder channel
Wiring and Installation
Choose a position away from vibration and heat. Stick the gyro with a double
sided foam tape to a smooth surface. The cables of motor, speed controler
and battery should be routed as far away as possible of the Wing Gyro. The
gyro axis of rotation must be positioned parallel to the longitudinal axis of the
wing model, the direction of rotation is irrelevant (see figure). Plug the gyro
connectors with the markings "1. rudder channel" and "2. rudder channel"
into the receiver. If you intend to utilize the remote sensitivity adjustment,
plug also the third connector into the receiver.
Into PCM-receivers the gyro must be plugged according to the
recommondation of the receiver's manufacturer. For example, plug the
gyro's connector "1. rudder channel" into receiver channel 2, plug the
connector "2. rudder channel" into receiver channel 5, and plug gyro's
sensitivity connector into receiver channel 7. If the gyro's LED starts flashing
after connecting to a PCM receiver the channel wiring is wrong. As long as
the LED is flashing, only poor gyro effect is obtained.
If you don't want to utilize the gyro's second channel just leave the connector
"2. rudder channel" unplugged; now the gyro works in single channel mode.
Maximum sensitivity
Control LED
Servo reversal
To receiver
Side view in
sensitivity channel
direction of
corrective axis
Norbert Grüntjens
Operating instructions
Connect the gyro as shown above. Switch on the transmitter and subsequently
the power supply of the receiver. After switching-on the Wing Gyro executes
an automatic temperature self calibration. During this period it is very important
not to move the Wing Gyro. At the end of this period (approx. 3 sec.) the LED
lights up permanently and the connected servos execute a short twitch.
If you want to take advantage of the remote controlled and infinitely variable
sensitivity adjustment, plug the connector with the marking "sensitivity" into the
receiver. The sensitivity (gain) of the gyro can now be adjusted within the range
of 0 and 100% of the sensitivity adjusted with the poti. (The poti gives the
maximum sensitivity). At the lower end position the sensitivity is 0%, that is the
gyro is switched off, at the upper end position the gyro achieves its full
sensitivity of 100% (see graph). Dependent of the type of radio it might be
necessary to adjust the servo travel at the transmitter end to its maximum (for
instance JR at least 100/100% symmetrically), otherways you might not be
able to achieve the full range of sensitivity adjustment between 0 and 100%.
For technicians: servo signal lenghts between 1.1ms and 1.9ms are necessary
to give the full working range between 0% and 100% sensitivity.
Gyro effect of sensitivity
If you don´t have a free channel left for sensitivity adjustments just leave the
connector open. In that case the gyro will always work at the basic sensitivity
which has been adjusted by the potentiometer. After switching-on the Wing
Gyro requests availability of a signal at the sensitivity channel. If there is no
signal the gyro works untill next switching-on with the sensitivity which has
been adjusted by potentiometer. With the reverse jumper the direction of gyro
operation can be reversed for one servo, the processor checks this situation
with each switching-on. However, the direction of servo travel does not
change at this occasion. Make sure to switch the power "off" when adding or
removing the jumper. If the gyro effect goes to the wrong direction, the gyro
operation can be reversed by turning the gyro case by 180 degrees.
After installation first check the direction of gyro operation, otherways it may
happen that instead of compensation of external influences in flight their
augmentation may be increased entailing a crash. If you simulate a right turn
with the model in flight direction the gyro must counteract with an aileron
deflection corresponding to a left turn. Related to flight direction the left aileron
must perform a short deflection upwards and the right one downwards.
This quality product has been thoroughly checked before delivery. Nevertheless, in case of complaints your warranty claims will be handled in
accordance with our current General Sales Conditions. If equipment returned for warranty repair shows full functionality during the entry
inspection, handling charge will be € 21,-. According to our experience the product works well with all current R/C systems. On the other hand we
cannot grant functionality with a specific R/C system due to the fact that control pulse conditions of receivers are not liable to standardization. We
must as well reject any responsibility for consequential damage arisen from the use of our products since we are not able to supervise their
appropriate application.
Safety directions
The CE-label is no allowance for negligent handling of the equipment. Avoid dangerous areas of motors, propellers, gears and rotor blades.
Always consider electric systems as potentially dangerous. Always remove the battery if you intend to work on the system. Avoid direct and
condensed humidity. The product is not protected against reversal of polarity. Reversing polarity or cables can entail irreparable damages. Plugs
and sockets must always fit perfectly. Improvisations can give rise to damages. Care about the power consumption of the power supply, especially
with regard to the gyro. A higher power consumption than assigned for can damage the power supply and other equipment connected to it. Never
disconnect an electrical appliance from the battery as long as it is operating.
Operating directions
The transmitter must always be switched on first and subsequently the receiver. Make sre that the throttle stick is in the low throttle position. In any
case verify that you are exclusive user of the selected frequency and nobody else is using it. Pay attention to the CE-labels of other components.
Provide motors with at least 2 noise suppressing ceramic capacitors 10 - 100 nF/63 - 100 V and optional with further noise suppressing means
(filters, chokes). Route the antenna at least 1" away of motor, battery, speed controller and their cables. Install the receiver as far away as
possible of motor, battery and speed controller. Keep cables as short as possible. Motor and battery cables should be twisted. For the purpose of
storing your model remove the batteries and store it at a dry place with normal air humidity. Should the system act erratically, disconnect the flight
battery from the system and reconnect it again after a waiting period of 5 - 10 s.
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
Wing Gyro
# 720612
Wing Gyro
Corrective axis
Corrective axis
1.9ms Impuls length of sensitivity channel
Servo Reversal
If during tests of gyro operation both flaps move
into the same direction, plug in the reversing
jumper and check the gyro action again. If
necessary turn the gyro effect as described
above .The adjustment of servo travel direction
at the transmitter should not be changed.