Check regularly that your UV is operational by looking at the UV
light indicator on the top of the filter lid. Always change your UV bulb every 6
months regardless of it working or not, as its performance will lessen by this
UV Indicator Is Not Lighting Up
If the UV indicator is not lighting up follow these troubleshooting steps:
1. Unscrew the UV head cover and pull the UV head cover with the attached
UV lamp and quartz clear from the filter body.
2. Insert a screw driver into the hole on the base of the UV head cover and
gently press down until you hear a short click. IMPORTANT - it is essential
that you do not look directly at the UV whilst you perform this check.
3. If the UV is operational, check that there is no damage to the safety button
insert on the top of the filter lid. When in operation this part is inserted into
the UV head to press down on the unit safety button, providing power to the
4. If you find that the UV light is still not operational, check that you have
power from the mains supply.
5. If you do have power from the mains supply, try changing the UV bulb (see
section 'Cleaning Quartz Sleeve & Replacing UV Bulb).
6. If you find that the UV light is still not operational the UV ballast may have
developed a fault. You will need to contact the supplier of your unit to obtain
the replacement part.
7. Please remember UV bulbs for use in ponds should be replaced every 12