Detailed settings
In order to setup the device operating channel and security, you can run PC Tool to configure it.
Please download the PC tool from the TRIAX web site and install it on your PC:
This tool is for Windows 7/8/10. Please update to .NET framework 4.0 if needed.
Make sure that the TEOC 211 device is directly connected to your computer via an
Ethernet cable, and the device is powered on.
Double-click the file "PC_Tool.exe" to execute PC tool.
In case of the device not connecting or not powered on, the program won't be able to
detect the device and the alert window will pop up. In this case, connect the device
properly and make sure it's in power on status, and then click "OK".
3.1 Status / Device status
The device status is displayed on this page. The left frame shows the menu tree to navigate
through all the configuration pages, and click the drop-down box "English" to select the language
for web GUI.
The "Connect success!" prompt window should
pop up. Click "OK" to enter the tool.
User manual