This option could be used to reduce snow accumulation
on the panel and increases the efficiency during the day
or to avoid the solar liquid damages.
N.B.: it is preferable not to use this function in the too
cold regions in order not to use too much the energy
stored in the tank.
- To activate the function, press (
- Now you will have the possibility to adjust the Freeze
setting level.
"FrZt" parameter (Default value "10°C")
(Adjustable -20°C to + 7°C with factory value 3°C).
"Prtk" parameter (Default value "1").
Available only with system with two tank (2 and 3).On
this menu you could choose a primary tank for the
priority of loading.
3 possibilities:
"0" - No priority is done on the tanks. The two tanks are
loaded independently; the only condition is that the
"dt" value is sufficient to authorize the loading.
"1" - The primary tank will be the tank1 managed by the
sensor T2. It will be named with a small number
"1" in the tank on the main screen.
"2" - The primary tank will be the tank2 managed by the
sensor T3. It will be named with a small number
"2" in the tank on the main screen.
If a primary tank is chosen, the loading of this tank will
be made in priority, the secondary tank will be only
loaded if:
- The primary tank will reach the "TkM1 or TkM2" value
adjusted on "setting" menu.
- If the collector temperature is too small to authorize the
loading of the primary tank. In this case the secondary
tank will be loaded with the cycle function defined by
the two following parameters. This function allows to
switch back from second tank to the priority tank.
+) to select the "on".
(1 cycle = "Prio tank load" ("priority time interrup-
tion") + "Prio tank break" ("priority time loading. " )).
N.B.: All the time if the "TkM1 o TkM2" value of the
primary tank becomes sufficient the loading will switch
on the primary tank.
"Prtb" parameter (Default value "2").
It's the interruption time (OFF time) for the cycle
- To change the duration press (
or decrease the time. (Adjustable to 1 to 30 min with
default value 2 min)).
"Prtl" parameter (Default value "15").
Load time duration (ON time) for the cycle function.
- To change the duration press (
or decrease the time (Adjustable to 1 to 30 min with
default value 15 min).
"DiSP" parameter (Default value "OFF").
Backlight function.
- To enable or disable the backlight function press (
or (-
- If "Off" the backlight will be automatically switched
off 3 minutes after key pressing.
- If "On" the backlight will be always switched on.
"Fact" parameter.
- If you want to reload all parameters with factory values
press and maintain (
values with the factory settings.
N.B.: For reasons of error protection and security the
choosen system will not be reseted.
Warning: the factory values may differ from the default
values (eg. dtM1 factory value = 7°C and dtM1 default
value = 15 ° C).
+) or (-
) to increase
+) or (-
)to increase
+) key few seconds to reload all