Specifications HM 8122
(Ref. temp.: 23°C±2°C)
Input Characteristics (Input A / Input B)
Frequency range:
0 - 150 MHz (DC coupled), 10 Hz - 150 MHz (AC coupled)
Sensitivity : (normal triggering)
20 mV RMS (sinewave) DC to 80MHz. 80mV pp (Pulse)
60 mV RMS (sinewave) 80 MHz to 150 MHz
50 mV RMS (sinewave) 20 Hz to 80 MHz (Autotrigger)
Min. pulse duration: 5 ns
Rise time: 3 ns nominal
Input noise: 100 µV (typical)
Coupling: AC or DC (switch selectable)
1 MΩII40 pF (0.5 MΩII80 pF when Com. is active)
Attenuation: x1, x10, x100 (switch selectable)
Trigger level range: 0 V to ± 100 V
Autotrigger: (AC coupling)
trigger point is at the 50% peak to peak value
Max. input voltage:
250 V (DC + AC peak) from 0 to 440 Hz
declining to 8 V RMS at 1 MHz
Trigger slope: Positive or negative (switch selectable)
Filter: 50 KHz low pass filter (20 dB/decade)
Trigger indicators: Tri-state LED indicators
Input Characteristics (Input C)
Frequency range: 100 MHz - 1.6 GHz
30 mV to 1.3GHz (typical 20mV)
100 mV to 1.6GHz (typical 80mV)
Coupling: AC
Impedance: 50Ω nominal
Max. input voltage: 5 V (DC + AC
Input Characteristics: External Reset Reference Gate/Arming
Input impedance:
4.7 kΩ
Max. input voltage:
± 30 V
High level:
Low level:
Min. pulse duration:
200 ns
Input frequency:
Min. eff. gate time:
Measurement Functions
Frequency A/B/C; Period A; Totalize A; RPM A; Ratio A:B; TI A:B;
Pulse width; Totalize A during B; TI AVG A:B
Frequency A, B
LSD : (2.5 x 10
s x FREQ.) : measuring time
Resolution: ± 1 or 2 LSD
Accuracy : ± (Resolution : Frequency + time base uncertainty
+ trigger error : measurement time)
Period A
Range: 10000 sec - 6.66 ns
LSD: (2.5 x 10
s x period) : measurement time
Resolution: 1 or 2 LSD
Accuracy: ± (Resolution : Period + time base uncertainty
+ trigger error : measuring time)
Ratio A/B
Frequency range: DC to 80 MHz
LSD: (2.5 x ratio) : (FREQ. A x measuring time)
Resolution: ± 1 or 2 LSD
Accuracy: resolution : ratio ± (trigger error B : measuring time)
HZ33, HZ34: 50Ω Coaxial cable BNC-BNC; HZ24: BNC 50W attenuators (3 / 6 / 10 / 20 dB);
HZ42: 19" rack mount kit; HZ72-S/L: Double shielded IEEE-488-Bus cable, 1m/1.5m.
HO85: OCXO, stability ± 5x10
HO89: RS232 Interface.
470 Ω
4.7 kΩ
± 30V
typ. 2 V
50 ns
10 MHz
20 µs
/day; HO88: IEEE-488 Interface;
Totalize A
(manual mode)
DC - 150 MHz
Min. pulse duration: 10 ns
1 Count
(resol. ±ext. gate error x Freq.A)/total
Pulse pair res.:
10 ns
Ext. Gate error:
Time Interval / Time Interval Average
(Input A = start, Input B = stop)
LSD: 10 ns (10 ns to 1 ps when averaged)
Resolution: 1 LSD (1 or 2 when averaged)
Accuracy: ± (Resolution + trigger error + systematic error):
time interval ±time base uncertainty (systematic error : ≤4ns)
Number of averages:
N = 1 to 25
N = 26 to 2500
N = 2501 to 250000
N = 2500001 to 25000000
N = > 25000000
RPM (Revolutions Per Minute)
) presetting : 1 - 65535 counts / revolution
Gate time: 330 ms fixed
LSD: 7.5 x 10
x revolution speed
Resolution: 1 or 2 LSD
Accuracy: resolution : speed ± (trigger error : 0.33)
± time base error
Range: same specification as normal measurement
Resolution: same resolution as normal measurement
If the actual gate time is modified, the offset resolution is the
resolution of the reference value or the resolution of the current
measurement, whichever is smaller.
Gate Time
Range: 1 ms - 10 sec in 199 steps (Input A/B)
Range: 2 ms - 10 sec (Input C)
Range: (cannot be shorter than 1 period)
External gate range: min. 20 µs
Actual measuring time:
Actual measuring time: Gate-Time + start synchronisation time +
Actual measuring time:
Actual measuring time:
Actual measuring time:
stop synchronisation time + calculation time (approx. 10 ms)
(synchronisation time depends on input signal).
Time base
Frequency: 100 MHz clock rate; 10 MHz crystal
Accuracy: ± 5 x 10
between 10°C and 40°C
Stability: ± 5 x 10
between 10°C and 40°C
Aging: <2.5 ppm/year
Warm up time: typ. 10 min. to specified accuracy
Option HO85: OCXO; ±5x10
Display: 9 digits, sign and exponent, 1 leading digit for sign,
ST.By, error messages
Power requirements: 110/220V ±15%; 45-60 Hz, 40 VA
Ambient temperature: 40°C to +70°C (storage),
Ambient temperature: +10°C to +40°C (operation)
Humidity: 10%-90%, no condensation, 5%-95% RH
Dimensions: 285x85x365mm (WxHxD),
Weight: approx. 4 kg
Safety: Class I, According to IEC 348
*1) When the resolution exceeds the display range,
the displayed result is shifted to the right.
*2) NPR = Number of pulses per revolution
(Gated by external signal)
DC - 150 MHz
10 ns
± 1 Count
10 ns
100 ns
Measuring time pulse repetition rate
LSD = 10 ns
LSD = 1 ns
LSD = 100 ps
LSD = 10 ps
LSD = 1 ps
per day; 23°C ±2°C
per day;10°C to 40°C
Subject to change without notice