Owner-Level Programming Instructions... continued:
C. User Lock Code is Activated, but Pass Number is Not Known ("Back Door Entry"):
Note: Should the ULC option be enabled, and a lock code number other than the factory
default (0) be installed but is unknown, the following procedure may be followed to regain
controller programming access:
1) Simultaneously press and hold the [POOL/SPA] and [UP ARROW] keys until the display
shows "888". This operation will reset the controller to the factory default settings.
2) When reset to the factory default settings the user lock code [ULC] is deactivated and
the user lock code number [ELC] is reset to "0."
3) In addition, all other settings are returned to the factory defaults. If an external
controller is in use, contact AquaCal Technical Support Group (800-786-7751); ask for
assistance with re-configuring the controller for use with an external controller.
9. Selecting Call-Flex Pump Options [CFO]:
General Information:
The Call-Flex option automatically adjusts the run time of the water circulator pump, and heater,
based upon changing weather conditions. Without Call-Flex, as weather conditions grow
progressively cooler during winter months, or when unusually cold weather occurs, the run
duration of the circulator pump may require manual adjustments to permit the heater to maintain
or reattain desired water temperature (the water pump must be running in order for the heater to
operate). Likewise, without Call-Flex, one must remember to reset the pump run controls
following the cold weather event. The Call-Flex option greatly reduces the need for seasonal,
manually-made, pump run time adjustments. Call-Flex is a dealer-installed option that does
not come with every heater; if unsure, check with the installing dealer to determine if a call-flex
kit was part of the original installation.
to have Call-Flex added, your dealer can do so...contact the installing dealer.
If the installation is equipped with the Call-Flex option, the following steps are used to control the
Call-Flex features:
A. Simultaneously press and hold the [UP ARROW] and [DOWN ARROW] keys until the
display shows "CF1". Press the [POOL/SPA] key three times to scroll the display to [CFO].
B. With the [CFO] (Call-Flex Options) code displayed, use the Up or Down keys to select "0" to
disable the Call Flex Options, "1" to enable the Call Option, or "2" to enable the Flex Option.
Not pressing any buttons for 15-seconds will allow the controller to save the selection and
return to the normal operating mode. Pressing the {POOL/SPA] key will also save the
selection, and will step the controller to the next menu parameter: [LOC] (Service Lock
C. For further information, please refer to Call-Flex installation instructions, shipped with the
Call-Flex kit. For additional copies of these instructions, contact the AquaCal Customer
Support (800-786-7751).
Start Up & Setting Operating Controls
If Call-Flex was not part of the installation, and you would like
(End... Owner-Level Programming Instructions)