Reversed PLAY (4b) button; depending on which side
of the cassette you wish to record.
• If you wish to interrupt a recording whilst keeping
the recording circuits and display active, press the
RECORD/PAUSE (13) button again. When you are
ready to resume recording press PLAY (4b or 6b).
This technique is useful for omitting announcements
or commercials when recording from radio or televi-
sion. Make sure you press the right PLAY button. It is
possible to change from Normal and Reverse direc-
tion during recording!
• To stop recording, press the STOP (5b) button.
NOTE: Play Trim has no effect during recording
from an external source but will have during Dubbing
and High Speed Dubbing.
The two horizontal segmented bars display the
peak level of the source's signal in each channel.
Adjust the record level control (9; the inner ring) by
turning down (counter clock-wise) or turning up
(clock-wise). There are various tape formulations -
normal (I), CrO2 (II) and Metal (IV) available, each
with its own specific characteristics such as satura-
tion level. The NAD 616 senses automatically which
tape type is used and adapts its settings accordingly.
Too low a recording level will result in excessive tape
hiss, whereas too high a recording level will result in
distortion. The standard procedure is to set the
recording level to accommodate the loudest part of
the music, and then leave the controls alone. Set the
control so that sustained sounds, e.g. a singing voice
or full orchestral chord reaches the red segments (up
to 4 dB). With music that spans a wide range of vol-
ume levels, this may mean that the quiet portions of
the music will be recorded at a level of -20 dB or less
(with no segments illuminated). This is normal.
The BALANCE control (10; the outer ring) will allow
you to alter the left/right balance of a recording. When
turned fully counter clock-wise, only the left channel
will be recorded, whereas turned fully clock-wise only
the right channel will be recorded. For normal use the
control is set in the detent in the centre of its range,
recording each channel with equal levels.
If you wish to erase a tape, without making a new
recording, follow the procedure as described above,
but turn the RECORD LEVEL (9) control fully counter
clock-wise. No recording level segments will illumi-
When Auto Reverse (15) mode hasn't been select-
ed (
in the display) the recording will finish at the
end of the cassette for both Normal and Reverse
When Auto Reverse (15) has been selected (
the display) the recording will stop once the end of
the second side of the cassette has been reached
(reverse direction). If the recording was already start-
ed in the reverse direction, than only that side of the
cassette will be recorded.
NOTE: If you only wish to record side 1 of a cas-
sette make sure that the Auto Reverse facility (15)
hasn't been engaged (
in the display), as the deck
will automatically reverse direction and go to the
other side of the tape if the recording time is longer
than the capacity of the cassette.
The NAD 616 is equipped with two modes of dub-
bing; normal and Hi-Speed. Both modes operate in
the same way, but with Hi-Speed dubbing the time
required is halved (the original and recording cassette
run at double the normal speed). This dubbing mode
is particularly suited where sound quality is of less
importance, for example, with speech. If sound quali-
ty is an important consideration, than the normal dub-
bing mode is better suited.
During dubbing, the Dolby NR circuits don't play a
role in making the copy. The copy will be encoded in
the same way as the original, regardless of the Dolby
NR setting. e.g. If the original was recorded with
Dolby B NR, than the copy will be encoded with
Dolby B NR, even though Dolby C NR or no Dolby
NR was selected during dubbing. The appropriate
Dolby NR can be used for listening whilst dubbing,
though. Refer also to this chapter's section "Dolby B
& C Noise Reduction Systems ".
• Before the cassettes are inserted in the compart-
ments, select the play (4a or 6a) and record (13 + 4b
or 6b) direction (Normal or Reversed; being side 1
and side 2 of the cassettes). Check if the cassette on
which you wish to copy has sufficient time capacity
when compared to the source cassette.
• Select "Auto Reverse" (15;
you wish to copy both sides of the source cassette.
Disengage "Auto reverse" (
wish to copy one side only of the source cassette or if
you wish to record onto one side only of the recording
• Insert the original cassette in the transport A com-
partment as described in "Playing Tapes" and set the
beginning of both the original and copying cassette.
• Leave the Play Trim (18) in the "0" position (cen-
tral detent). However, if the source cassette's sound
benefited from use of the Play Trim control, set the
Play Trim control to the position which gives best
results, as the improvement will be copied to the
other cassette. Also refer to this chapter's "The Play
Trim Control" for more information.
Using Play Trim control only has the desirable
effect at the normal Dubbing Speed. When making
copies in High speed Dubbing Mode set the Play
Trim control to centre detent position.
• Press either DUBBING (17) or HI-SPEED (16).
Both transports will start, the Dubbing and Record
(and Hi-Speed if selected) annunciators will light up in
the display.
• If you wish to interrupt dubbing whilst keeping the
recording circuits and display active, press the
RECORD/PAUSE (13) button again. When you are
ready to resume recording press the proper PLAY (4b
or 6b). It is possible to change from Normal and
Reverse direction during recording!
• Dubbing will stop automatically once the end of
either one of the cassettes is reached. By pressing
STOP (5b) you can stop dubbing manually.
in the display) if
in the display) if you