General Information; Allmänna Anvisningar - NEFF Z92WWJ12 Notice D'installation

Table des Matières



General information

¡ Read this instruction manual carefully.
¡ Keep the instruction manual and the
product information safe for future refer-
ence or for the next owner.
¡ The appliance can only be used safely if it
is correctly installed according to the
safety instructions. The installer is re-
sponsible for ensuring that the appliance
works perfectly at its installation location.
¡ This instruction manual is intended for the
installer of the optional accessory.
¡ Only a licensed expert may connect the
¡ Switch off the power supply before carry-
ing out any work.
Safe installation
Observe the safety instructions when installing the
optional accessory.
WARNING ‒ Risk of suffocation!
Children may put packaging material over their
heads or wrap themselves up in it and suffocate.
Keep packaging material away from children.
Do not let children play with packaging material.
WARNING ‒ Risk of injury!
Components inside the appliance may have sharp
Wear protective gloves.
The odour filter remains hot for quite some time after
it has been regenerated.
Do not touch the odour filter straight after it has
been regenerated – allow it to cool down.
Included with the appliance
After unpacking all parts, check for any damage in
transit and completeness of the delivery.
→ Fig.
Establishing the pipework
Establish the pipework in such a way that the flex-
ible hose is flush with the cabinet base.
→ Fig.
For circulating-air mode, establish an air outlet in
the unit's front toe kick.
The air outlet must have a minimum cross section
of approximately 400 cm². Make the outlet open-
ing in the base panel as large as possible in order
to keep draughts and noise to a minimum.
Fitting odour filters
Press  ⁠ .
a The glass panel moves up to halfway upwards
and grease filter cassettes are transported up-
Remove the grease filter cassettes.
→ Fig.
Insert the odour filter cartridges.
→ Fig.
Insert the grease filter cartridges.
→ Fig.
Press  ⁠ .
a The glass panel and the filter cartridges move
a The appliance flap closes and the appliance
switches off.
Regenerating the odour filter
To guarantee the odour filter power, regenerate the
odour filter with normal use (daily for approx.
one hour) every 3–4 months. You can regenerate
the odour filter in a standard oven.
Leave the hot odour filter to cool down on a heat-res-
istant surface.
¡ You can regenerate the odour filter up to
30 times. With normal use (daily for approx.
one hour), replace the odour filter at least every
10 years.
¡ If a regenerable odour filter falls, it may become
damaged. The damage is not always visible from
the outside. Dispose of and replace any regener-
able odour filters that have fallen.
¡ Never clean odour filters with cleaning products,
water, in the dishwasher or with a damp cloth.
¡ To ensure that you do not scratch the baking tray,
place the odour filter on a wire rack.
¡ Regenerate the odour filter in the oven for
120 minutes at a maximum of 200 °C (air recircu-
lation  ). Do not regenerate the odour filter with
the oven cleaning function (pyrolytic self-clean).
¡ Odours may develop when regenerating the odour
filter. Ensure that the room is well ventilated. Open
a window.
Allmänna anvisningar
¡ Läs igenom anvisningen noga.
¡ Förvara bruksanvisningen och produktin-
formationen för senare användning eller
till nästa ägare.
¡ Säker användning av enheten kräver fack-
mässig montering enligt monteringsanvis-
ningen. Installatören ansvarar för en felfri
funktion på uppställningsplatsen.
¡ Anvisningen riktar sig till den som monte-
rar extratillbehöret.
¡ Det är bara behörig elektriker som får an-
sluta enheten.
¡ Slå alltid av elen innan du utför sådana ar-
Säker montering
Följ säkerhetsanvisningarna vid montering av extra-
VARNING! ‒ Kvävningsrisk!
Barn kan dra förpackningsmaterial över huvudet eller
trassla in sig i det och kvävas.
Låt inte barn komma i närheten av förpacknings-
Låt inte barn leka med förpackningsmaterialet.
VARNING! ‒ Risk för personskador!
En del komponenter inuti enheten har vassa kanter.
Använd alltid skyddshandskar.
Osfiltret förblir varmt långt efter regenereringen.
Rör inte osfiltret direkt efter regenereringen, utan
låt det först svalna ordentligt.
Medföljande tillbehör
Kontrollera efter uppackningen att inga delar är
transportskadade och att leveransen är komplett.
→ Fig.


Table des Matières

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Table des Matières