Operating Voltage Range
Unit 2
The voltage rate of the SR SUNTOUR electric-
lock-out is in between 2.3V - 3V.
Unit 3
Battery Life Span
The battery of our electric lock out system will
last around 1 year. It will last for 5000 „ON/OFF
If the voltage of the battery drops to 2.3V ±0.1V
Unit 1
the LED light will start blinking. This indicates
that the battery life is over and you have to re-
place the battery. To replace the battery, please
reffer to the „How to replace the battery" sec-
tion of this manual. If the voltage drops to 2.3V
and below that the servo motor will not work
The system consits of three units. The cartridge with the servo motor (Unit 1) , the controller unit
(Unit 2) which sits within the steerer tube and the lock out knob (Unit 3). While connecting or dis-
connecting the cables/plugs please make sure to not use any tools. To disconnect the cables/plugs
just use your fingers by holding the controller unit with one hand, while carefully seperating the
plugs with the other hand. DO NOT PULL THE CABLES! Doing this might cause the cables ripping
of the plugs.
Trouble Shooting
„When pressing the lock-out knob the motor does not work"
1. Check if the battery is still charged
2. Check if all cables and plugs are securely and properly connected
3. If the system is exposed to cold temperatures (e.g. -10°C) the power of the battery might be
reduced which will cause the motor to not work propely anymore. In such a case you should bring
the system back to room temperature and check the function again. If it improved, you should re-
charge or even replace your battery. If not it is more likley that there is a defect in material. In such
a case you have to consultate your local dealer.
SR SUNTOUR guarantee's that the system itself will work until a temperature of -20°C.
„The LED light keeps blinking"
1. Check if the battery is still charged, if the battery life is over the LED starts blinking
2. Check if cables and plugs are securely and properly connected