1. Installation, radiant heater with bracket
Heater type
IR 05001
IR 05002
• Secure the bracket while observing the safety distances and safety and ope-
rating instructions (see Appendix 2)
• Fit the bracket with 2 screws at a separation of 200 mm on the fastening
• Where expansion components are used, the outer fastening points of the
bracket must be used when installing on the wall (separation 350 mm)
• Attach the heater starting on side B and when doing so slightly bend the
bracket (Note! „Hammer groove" always up)
• Side A: Fit knurled M6 nut and M6/10 mm cap nut.
• Tighten knurled nut by hand and tighten the cap nut with an open-ended 10
mm (AF) spanner.
• Side B: Fit spring washer, flat washer, cam lever and M6 knurled nut.
Hand-tighten the M6 knurled nut up to the pressure point on the cam lever.
Clamp the cam lever in the bracket direction.
Wall installation
1400 W
2000 W
Ceiling installation