The SprayMate™ Drywall Hopper Gun, together with an air compressor, will apply most any sprayable material
that can feed by gravity through the hopper and that can fit through one of the holes in the orifice plate. The
texture that results can be adjusted in four ways:
Material Consistency
Follow the material manufacturer's recommendations for mixing. It is important that the material be
thoroughly mixed and be just thin enough to feed through the hopper. This enables the droplets of spray
to stay on the wall/ceiling surface and form a good texture. Do not thin the mixture to achieve a finer
texture, rather increase the air flow and select a smaller orifice.
2) Orifice Size
The circular orifice plate (2) on the front of the gun provides seven different orifice sizes. You should
generally select an orifice of twice the diameter of the largest grain in the mixture. To change the orifice,
loosen the knurled nut and center knob (3,4). Pull the trigger back and rotate the orifice plate to the
desired size. As you release the trigger the orifice is centered. Finally, secure the orifice plate in position
by first tightening the center knob and then the knurled nut. The special collar on the one orifice is
effective in reducing drips and controlling the overspray.
3) Air Flow
For spraying most materials, a continuous air supply of at least 7 CFM at 25 psi is required. The air flow
at the gun is adjusted by the ball valve-air line coupler (15). A reduced air flow will produce a coarser
texture, a greater air flow will produce a finer texture. If the air flow is too great, however, the grains
within the mixture can separate from the mixture and rebound off the walls. This can lead to waste and
4) Trigger Setting
The position of the trigger controls the amount of material flow. As the trigger is pulled back, more
material is allowed to feed through. Generally the distance between the air nozzle (23) and the mixture
nozzle (5) should be slightly greater than the size of the selected orifice. When the desired texture is
achieved, the trigger position can be set by tightening the wing-nut (16). This will ensure the trigger is
pulled back the same distance each time so that the texture remains consistent. Releasing the trigger
stops the material flow.
It is recommended that you set your pattern on scrap sheetrock or cardboard before spraying your finished
product. By experimenting with the various adjustments you should be able to obtain your desired texture.
It is important to keep the gun and hopper clean. For best results, separate the gun and hopper and flush each
with clean water. The front and rear bushings (12/27, 20/27) are permanently lubricated; re-oiling is normally not
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104 S. 8th Ave. Marshalltown, IA Phone 800-888-0127 / 641-753-0127 • Fax 800-477-6341 / 641-753-6341