Techno Control TS293E Manuel D'utilisation page 9

Table des Matières


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Calibration Kit, Sample Gas Bottles (for Calibration Check and Calibration) the mixture to be used depending on the
model installed is shown in the table below:
TS293EA - TS293EA-H
TS293EC-S - TS293EC-H
It is possible to use either the disposable cylinders with adjust valve or the high pressure ones with reduction gear.
Is also necessary the Tecnocontrol calibration kit model TC011. To ensure that the gas concentration reaches
sensor, use steel reduction gear and Teflon tubes or other compatible materials which do not disperse the gas.
"INSTRUMENT OPERATION CHECK" (Check Code: F2, F2, F1, F1): this function allows to effect a functional test
of the detector. After having inserted the "Check Code", all Led are switched off. Then Led will switch on in se-
quence, from the yellow up to the red. At the end all the Led will remain lighted for around 5 seconds, then the de-
tector returns at the conditions of normal operation. It is advisable to perform this operation every 12 months ac-
cording to the use. Note: this function is not working if the red LED is already switched on.
"ZERO ADJUST" (Zero Code: F2, F1, F1, F2): this function is to adjust the Zero sensor and can be done in clean
air only (environment without the presence of toxic gas or other pollutants). Consider that the TS293E series have a sophisti-
cated follower of zero, that every hour will reset the sensor, if of course there is the presence of gas. If necessary,
perform this operation after installation or after changing the "Cartridge" or every 6-12 months depending on envi-
ronmental conditions. After entering the "Zero Code" as confirmation of the operation, there will be a flashing red Led
and output becomes 4.0 mA.
Note: This function is not working if mA output is higher than the value shown in the table below, depending on the
model, or if the red Led is already ON. In this case, please recalibrate the unit and/or replacing the "Cartridge"
4.8 mA
(15 ppm NH3)
"CALIBRATION" (Calibration Code: F2, F2, F2, F1, F2, F1): this function allows completely recalibrate the sensor
using the gas mixture indicated above.
Warning: to guarantee that no errors of elaboration happen, the possibility exists that during the Calibration the yel-
low Led switch off every 8 seconds, in this case interrupt the procedure, switch off and switch on the instrument and
repeat the Calibration. If condition persists it will be necessary to send the detector to the supplier for the reparation.
Important note: during Calibration routine the mA output indicates 0mA.
The "Calibration" can be done in clean air only (environment without the presence of toxic or other polluting gas). With the keys
perform the "Calibration Code". Wait until the yellow and green Led switch on fix and the red Led starts to flash. In-
sert the TC011 on the sensor holder and adjust the influx of the gas the way that the flow meter reaches the value
indicates in table below in column 3, depending on the model
Led lights (and while it is ON), press the key F2 and hold it pressed until the red LED is switched off for at least 2 sec-
onds (but if the red LED continues to blink more than 5-6 minutes means that the gas flow is not constant or unsat-
isfactory, or the concentration is not as required, stop the operation, turn off the instrument and recalibrate). Then,
close the gas cylinder and remove TC011. At this point we can have two possibilities:
Yellow and green Led illuminates: the calibration routine is correct. Wait 8 seconds, until the instrument auto-
matically restores the normal working conditions. (See "Operational Description > Preheating").
Yellow Led illuminates: the routine has failed. In this case, wait 8 seconds, until the instrument automatically re-
peat Preheating, then repeat the "Calibration" routine without inserting again the code. If condition still persists after
the replacement of the "Cartridge", please send the detector back to the manufacturer for reparation.
"CALIBRATION CHECKS" (no Code required): using the gas mixture indicated above, this function is used to con-
trol, the correct response to the gas and can be made after the "Calibration" or the installation, but should be done
during the periodic maintenances, as it is the only method to verify the effective functioning of the detector.
Insert the TC011 on the sensor holder and adjust the sample gas bottle's valve, so that the flow meter reaches the
value indicates in table below in column 3, depending on the model
probes connected on tests points "TEST mV",
pending on the model, [corresponding to mA output indicated in column 5 and the Central Unit which is connected to the detector, dis-
plays the value indicated in column 6]. If the result is different, is necessary to recalibrate the sensor (see "Calibration").
Then, close the gas bottle, remove TC011. The mA output will slowly decrease up to 4 mA (normal working conditions).
TECNOCONTROL S.r.l. - Via Miglioli, 47 20090 SEGRATE (MI) ITALY
Istruzione / User's Manual / Manuel d'utilisation
Sample gas bottle
100 ppm
Ammoniaca (NH
300 ppm
Carbon monoxide (CO)
10 ppm
Sulphur dioxide (SO
50 ppm
Hydrogen sulphide (H
10 ppm
Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) in Nitrogen
100 ppm
Nitric oxide (NO)
Nitrogen dioxide (NO
4.8 mA
6.4 mA
(15 ppm CO)
(3 ppm SO
fig.2) reaches (in 2÷3 minutes) the value shown in column 4, de-
in Nitrogen
in Nitrogen
in Nitrogen
S) in Nitrogen
in Nitrogen
in air
4.8 mA
8 mA
(5 ppm H
(2.5 ppm HCN)
(see also
Fig.3). Wait around 3-5 minutes, until the red
(see also
Fig.3). Check that the voltmeter, with
Tel: 02/26 92 28 90 Fax: 02/21 33 734
Tecnocontrol Code
Available on request
Available on request
Available on request
Available on request
Available on request
Available on request
5.6 mA
6.6 mA
(10 ppm NO)
(5 ppm NO


Table des Matières

Table des Matières