4.2:Changing the settings for the installer
I ns t a l l e r
1 R i n g t o n e
2 A S A d r e s s
3 P a r a m e t e r
4 I n t e r n a l C a l l
5 S y s t e m
6 D e v i c e I n f o
Ba c k
U p
4.2.1: Changing the ring tones:
I n te r c o m R i n gt o ne
A s 1 T o n e :
A s 2 T o n e :
A s 3 T o n e :
A s 4 T o n e :
A s 5 T o n e :
A s 6 T o n e :
A s 7 T o n e :
A s 8 T o n e :
I n te r n a l c a l l :
F l oo r C a l l :
B a c k
4.2.2: Assigning external unit addresses:
I n te r c o m A S
A S 1:
A S 2:
E m p t y
A S 3:
E m p t y
A S 4:
E m p t y
A S 5:
E m p t y
A S 6:
E m p t y
A S 7:
E m p t y
A S 8:
E m p t y
B a c k
4.2.3: Changing the installation parameters
I n te r c o m P a r am e te r
D i sp l a y T i m e :
S p ee c h T i m e :
P a ra l l e l S N :
V i de o F l o o r :
F l oo r D o o r O pe n :
C a ll D i v e r t :
C a ll D i v e r t SN :
D o or m a t i c :
B a c k
Floor Door: After a floor call, the local door lock can be operated with a programmable relay 10-83x using control function 11. If
pressed within 30 seconds after a floor call, this control function is transmitted. If you make this function available to the user, then this function
can be switched on or off in the automatic functions menu (see section 3: "Setting automatic functions").
Call Divert: If this function is active, the call will be diverted to another internal unit. If you make this function available to the user, then this
function can be switched on or off in the automatic functions menu (see section 3: "Setting automatic functions").
Call Divert SN: Enter the serial number of the internal unit to which a call must be diverted here.
Doormatic: If this function is active, the door will automatically open when there is a call (ring-and-come-in function). The green LED lights up
if this function is activated. If you make this function available to the user, then this function can be switched on or off in the automatic functions
menu (see section 3: "Setting automatic functions").
Do w n
A lp h a1
A lp h a2
A lp h a2
A lp h a2
A lp h a2
A lp h a2
A lp h a2
A lp h a2
G on g
A lp h a3
U p
D ow n
U p
D ow n
00 0 00 0
Di s ab le
Al l ow ed
Al l ow ed
00 0 00 0
Al l ow ed
U p
Do w n
Attention: This menu is secured against use by the user.
Select "Installer" and simultaneously press
Use the instruction at the bottom of the screen to change the ring tones of the different
types of calls.
The addresses of the different external units (AS1-8) can be changed using "Intercom
Use the instructions at the bottom of the screen to set the addresses of the external
units. A specific ring tone can be set for the external units which have an address
assigned to them.
Select an address
-0 to 31 for an external video unit
-32 to 63 for an external audio unit
If the call originates from an internal audio unit, the screen will not light up.
Display Time: The screen darkens after a set time. This time can be set between 20s
and 119s. At 120s, the screen stays on continuously.
Speech Time: The speech connection is interrupted after a set time. This time can
be set between 20s and 119s. At 120s, the conversation will continue until it is dis-
connected by the user.
Parallel SN: The device can function in parallel (as slave) with another internal unit
(the master). Enter the serial of the internal unit (master) with which the device must
Video Floor: On the M and C terminals of each internal unit, a camera (standard
CVBS) can be connected which displays the image of the apartment door. If you ac-
tivate this option, this image will always be displayed first when someone rings at the
floor bell push button or if the screen is activated using
to open the menu.