-good airing is provided, for example, when the volume of the room in cubic metres is at least
30 times the rated calorific output (in kW) of all equipment used in the room and when air
circulation is ensured by windows and doors or permanent apertures having a total cross-
section in square metres of at least 0,003 times the rated calorific output (in kW) of all
equipment used in the room;
-the concentration of polluting substances in the air can be considered acceptable provided it
does not reach maximum values and that the percentage of oxygen in the air is greater than
17% by volume;
-these plant systems must not be used for continuous heating of stables and animal rearing
The DIRECT mobile hot air generator is available with various outputs and was designed and
manufactured to meet special needs, such as temporary heating in outside or semiopen areas
and drying applications where operators are not required. It is easy to move the unit since it is
mounted on a sturdy chassis with large diameter wheels.
Functional features were designed to simplify use as far as possible.
The INDIRECT mobile hot air generator is also available with various outputs and was
designed to meet further needs not available with the DIRECT model: as well as drying
applications, this unit is ideal for heating any interior civil, agricultural and industrial
environment. The wide range of models provides logical and optimal solutions to all heating
INDIRECT - Hot air generator with airfume heat exchanger and combustion product discharge
through a stack.
DIRECT - Direct hot air generator with dilution of combustion products in the flow of heated air.
Systems of very sturdy construction, comprising:
COMBUSTION HEAD, to an design, manufactured using precision engineering operations.
The head is fitted with air adjustment fins which can be set easily and efficiently through a
graduated scale.
Designed to optimise air flow and mixture with fuel oil.
CYLINDRICAL BOILER, high performance with a combustion chamber entirely in stainless
VENTILATION AND COOLING UNIT, high capacity, with fan fitted with aluminium blades and
guards. Onboard fuel oil pump. All components are pretested individually on a test bench.
AIR OUTLET pre-arranged for channelization only for INDIRECT generator.
ELECTRICAL SYSTEM in compliance with the protection degree IP 44, with a easily
understood, easy to use control panel. Fitted with safety fuses, flame control equipment and
indicators for correct function. An external connection can be made with an environment
FUEL OIL TANK, large capacity.
STRUCTURE entirely metallic and treated with epoxy resin paints.