Archos Limited Warranty obligations for hardware products and software are limited to the terms set forth below:
1. Archos warrants hardware products against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from date of purchase
("Warranty Period"). The customer is responsible for keeping all original proof of purchase documents during this time. Archos will
only accept purchase receipts from authorized resellers as proof of purchase. Receipts coming from credit card processing companies,
including but not limited to PayPal,, Visa, Mastercard, Amex and Discovery, will not be accepted as proof of purchase.
2. Concerning software products, Archos Limited Warranty applies only to a failure to execute programming instructions. Archos does
not guarantee the operation of any product will be uninterrupted or error free.
3. Archos Limited Warranty covers only those defects which arise as a result of normal use of the product, and does not apply to:
i. Improper or inadequate maintenance or modification;
ii. Software, interfacing, media, parts and supplies not provided or supported by Archos; or
iii. Operation outside the product's specifications.
4. If Archos receives, during the applicable Warranty Period, notice of a defect in any hardware product, which is covered by Archos'
warranty, Archos will either repair the product using new or refurbished replacement parts or replace the defective product with new
or like-new product of the same model with the same functionality as the original unit. If Archos is unable to repair or replace the
defective product, the customer will either be offered a comparable model* (if available) or will be refunded the purchase price of the
defective product. When a product is exchanged, any replacement item becomes the property of the customer and the replaced item
becomes Archos' property. (* whose functionality is at least equal to that of the product being replaced.)
5. Archos shall have no obligation to replace or refund a defective product until the customer returns the defective product to Archos.
6. Archos is not responsible (i) for any data stored on returned products. Customers should backup his/her data prior to shipping the
unit back to Archos. Hard drives and devices which include a hard disk or other memory storage system will be reformatted during the
repair process (even if the repair is not related to the hard drive itself) and will not include the customer's data when it is returned. (ii)
for protecting the confidentiality of any data on a product sent in for repair.
7. Archos' limited warranty is only valid in the country of purchase.
8. The Archos limited warranty is non-transferable. Archos will not validate purchases made via trade, barter or auctions. This pertains
to trade, barter or auction between individuals or between resellers and individuals on sites including but not limited to E-Bay and
Ubid where trade, barter or auction transactions are facilitated.
9. Archos does not warrant against damages incurred to the LCD screen. Devices returned with broken LCD screens will be evaluated
by an Archos technician who will determine if such damage falls within the scope of product neglect or misuse and hence whether or
not it is guaranteed.
s nor its third party suppliers make any other warranty or condition of any kind, whether expressed or implied, with respect to the
Archos products, and specifically disclaim the implied warranties of conditions of merchantability, satisfactory quality, and fitness for
a particular purpose.
10. The batteries in ARCHOS products have a finite number of charge cycles and thus over its life span, the autonomy will slowly
Archos does not guaranty a specific battery charge retention time scale as degradation of battery autonomy includes variables be-
yond the control of Archos, such as, but not limited to, how often you deplete and charge it, the temperature the device is used and/