- Throw away and keep out of baby's reach the packing plastic poly bags, to avoid suffocation.
- ATTENTION: Carefully follow these installation instructions because improper installation is
- Before every use check all locking systems work correctly and all components are not
defected or damaged; in this case do not use product.
- Check the item doesn't have any loosened or improperly assembled screws, or any other
elements which can injure your baby. Do not use with any broken, defected or loosen parts.
- Make assembly and installation operations WITHOUT any babies around. Assembly of this
product should be made by an adult.
- Do not make any modifications or add other elements that may compromise the safety of the
item; it could be dangerous. Do not use with any broken, defective or missing parts.
- Do not let your child play with this product. Do not let other children or animals play
unattended near the product and/or climb into it.
- Every country has specific laws and regulations regarding the safety of children transporting
on cars. We advise you to inform yourself with specific regulations before take a trip.
- Do not use the seat backrest WITHOUT its seat.
- This car-seat has safety belts and crotch strap. Always use them properly adjusted and fixed.
- Pay attention to your baby's clothing type; this affects the adjustment of the belts. Winter
clothes require a different setting than summer dresses.
- Make assembling and fixing operation WITHOUT baby inside car-seat.
- WARINING: This product is NOT suitable for children under the age of 1 year.
- WARINING: This product is NOT suitable for children with more than 36 Kg weight.
- When you leave the product exposed to the sun, wait it becomes cooler before using it.
- Do not make any modifications that could damage safety of item; it may be dangerous use
spare parts not approved by manufacturer.
- WARINING: When using do not give to your baby, and do not place the product near the
ropes or straps, they could be a source of strangulation.
- "FORMULA-FIX" car-seat can be installed both on front seat, both on rear one.
- Statistics on automobile accidents reveal that the rear seats are safer than the front: we
recommend you to install car-seat on rear seats.
- The optimum and safer location for your car-seat is the rear seats, specially the rear seat on
the opposite side to the driver.
- This car-seat is NOT designed for a long period of sleep.
- NEVER leave your child UNATTENDED on car-seat into the car.
- If the vehicle is in motion, NEVER REMOVE the child from the seat. Stop before do these
- During car travels never hold the baby in your arms and never put him outside the car-seat.
- Constantly check the child when it is sitting in car-seat, even while sleeping.