Open Source Software
The Gigaset SE365 WLAN contains, among other things, Open Source Software, which
is licensed under the GNU General Public License and the GNU Lesser General Public
License. This Open Source Software was developed by third parties and is protected by
copyright. The license texts in the original English version are provided on the next
The software is made available free of charge. You are entitled to use this Open Source
Software as foreseen in the above-mentioned license conditions. In the event of
conflicts between these license conditions and the Siemens AG license conditions for
the software, the above-mentioned license conditions shall prevail with respect to the
Open Source Software.
The GNU General Public License (GPL) is supplied withthis product. In addition, you can
download the license conditions from the Internet.
You will find the GPL on the Internet at:
The source text including copyright notices of the Open Source Software can be
found on the Internet at:
If not already supplied with the product, you can request the source text including cop-
yright notices from Siemens by paying a fee to cover the physical act of transferring the
copy. Requests can be submitted by e-mail or fax to the address or fax number below
within three years of purchase of this product, indicating the precise device type as well
as the version number of the installed device software.
Kleinteileversand Com Bocholt
Siemens AG provides no warranty for the Open Source Software contained in this prod-
uct if used in any manner other than the program execution intended by Siemens AG.
The GNU General Public License defines the warranty for defects, if any, from the author
or other licensors of the Open Source Software.
Siemens AG specifically disclaims any warranties for defects against it if a product defect
is or could have been caused by altering any Open Source Software program or the
product's configuration. In addition, you have no warranty claims against Siemens AG
in the event that the Open Source Software infringes the intellectual property rights of
a third party.
Technical support shall only be provided by Siemens for the software including the
Open Source Software portion contained within, if this software has not been modified.
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