General Indications; Used Symbols - PA A80R Manuel D'entretien

Table des Matières



General indications

Only qualifi ed personnel should carry out the operations described in this ma-
For programmed maintenance check the instruction book under the heading "main-
The A80R head is the volumetric type: the motion is provided by a turbine which rotates
at extremely high speed in relation to the quantity of water received by the injectors and is
calibrated to function only at a certain rate of fl ow.
If the fl ow of the liquid varies the turbine has to be adjusted with the correct injectors,
otherwise the mechanism will be damaged. Therefore we suggest consulting the diagram D2
on page 1-3 of the instruction manual to fi nd the exact correlation between fl ow and diameter
of the injectors, or contact the manufacturer directly.
For disassembling and reassembling the snap rings (seeger) be careful not to force the
opening too much so that they do not lose their original shape. We advise using pliers with end
stop, if possible.
The STANDARD Tank cleaning head is supplied with seals (DYNAMIC) in PTFE + O-Ring in
EPDM. Lubricate ONLY with SILICONE GREASE. For use with Detergent liquid, Chemical addi-
tives etc that are not compatible with the standard seals, it is essential to contact our TECHNI-
CAL OFFICE for further information. On request, the O-RING seals (DYNAMIC) are available in
different materials such as NBR-FFKM(kalrez)-FKM(viton). The STATIC seals are in FKM (viton).
For programmed maintenance check the instruction book under the heading "maintenance".
When disassembling check that the gaskets, bearings and gears are intact and in good condi-
tion. If an element is not perfectly intact and if it does not function properly request a replace-
ment from the manufacturer.
Always grease the ceramic coatings and the seal gaskets with silicon grease while assem-
Indicates a assembling/disassembling procedure.
Indicates a checking/maintenance operation on several parts.
Indicates suggestions/procedures to which particular attention should be given.
Table of contents
General indications

Used symbols

page 3
page 3
page 6
page 16


Table des Matières

Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

A80r2A80raDa 3177 compresaDa 3176 compresa

Table des Matières