6) Optic signals
DL1 - Programming Led (red): It switches on in programming step and during gate motion.
DL2 - Opening stroke end Led (yellow): It switches off when stroke end is set in motion.
DL3 - Closing stroke end Led (yellow): It switches off when stroke end is set in motion.
DL4 - Photostop Led (yellow): It switches off when photoelectric cell is obscured.
DL5 - Photocell Led (yellow): It switches off when the photocell is obscured.
DL6 - Start Led (green): It switches on at a start command in terminal board.
DL7 - Mains Led (green): It switches off when Vin voltage is lacking (Mains voltage lacking).
7) Trimmer (RV1)
It regulates intervention threshold of amperometric sensor during fast step.
8) Programming keys
P1 - Key for entering remote control codes in memory
P2 - Key for cancelling remote control codes in memory
P3 - Key for setting of work and pause times
9) Jumper
JP2 - It enables or disables the working of signalling Leds. Useful in working with solar panel to reduce consumption.
10) Protection fuses
F1 - Battery Fuse (10A - Fast)
It disconnects the buffer Battery from the electronic card in case of short circuit or anomaly in current consumptions.
F2 - Service Fuse (1A - Delayed)
It protects the electronic card in case of short circuit or over currents on photocell or other additional devices connected in terminal board to Vout.
11) Dip-switches (DP)
DP1 - it enables automatic Closing in Step-by-Step logic
DP2 - it causes working with Step-by-Step or Condominial logic
DP3 - it enables sudden Closing in Step-by-Step logic
Working logics
Working with "Step-by-Step" logic (Dip 1 = OFF Dip 2 = ON)
A Start command puts in motion, a following command stops the motion, a further Start command makes the motion reverse (gate direction).
A Stop command stops the motion. After a Stop, a Start command puts in opening motion.
Working with "Automatic closing" (Dip 1 = ON Dip 2 = ON)
The gate, when fully opened, will automatically close after the set Pause time. A Start command supplied during the pause interrupts work cycle and
the gate doesn't automatically close. Photocell intervention during pause time charge it extending the period before automatic closing.