Optic Signals; Trimmer; Programming Keys; Jumper - Leb electronics CTR58 Manuel D'emploi

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Les langues disponibles


6) Optic signals

DL1 - Programming Led (red): It switches on in programming step and during gate motion.
DL2 - Opening stroke end Led (yellow): It switches off when stroke end is set in motion.
DL3 - Closing stroke end Led (yellow): It switches off when stroke end is set in motion.
DL4 - Photostop Led (yellow): It switches off when photoelectric cell is obscured.
DL5 - Photocell Led (yellow): It switches off when the photocell is obscured.
DL6 - Start Led (green): It switches on at a start command in terminal board.
DL7 - Mains Led (green): It switches off when Vin voltage is lacking (Mains voltage lacking).
7) Trimmer (RV1)
It regulates intervention threshold of amperometric sensor during fast step.

8) Programming keys

P1 - Key for entering remote control codes in memory
P2 - Key for cancelling remote control codes in memory
P3 - Key for setting of work and pause times

9) Jumper

JP2 - It enables or disables the working of signalling Leds. Useful in working with solar panel to reduce consumption.
10) Protection fuses
F1 - Battery Fuse (10A - Fast)
It disconnects the buffer Battery from the electronic card in case of short circuit or anomaly in current consumptions.
F2 - Service Fuse (1A - Delayed)
It protects the electronic card in case of short circuit or over currents on photocell or other additional devices connected in terminal board to Vout.
11) Dip-switches (DP)
DP1 - it enables automatic Closing in Step-by-Step logic
DP2 - it causes working with Step-by-Step or Condominial logic
DP3 - it enables sudden Closing in Step-by-Step logic
Working logics
Working with "Step-by-Step" logic (Dip 1 = OFF Dip 2 = ON)
A Start command puts in motion, a following command stops the motion, a further Start command makes the motion reverse (gate direction).
A Stop command stops the motion. After a Stop, a Start command puts in opening motion.
Working with "Automatic closing" (Dip 1 = ON Dip 2 = ON)
The gate, when fully opened, will automatically close after the set Pause time. A Start command supplied during the pause interrupts work cycle and
the gate doesn't automatically close. Photocell intervention during pause time charge it extending the period before automatic closing.


Table des Matières

Table des Matières