Charging times
Standard mobile phone
scottyPro with NiCd
Batteries 800 mAh, 50%
Charging, full sun
scottyPro with NiMH
Batteries 2.000 mAh, 50%
Charging, full sun
scottyPro with Alkaline
primary batteries
Comparison operation time of appliances after 1 hour solar charge
Cell phone
15 hours Standby
12 minutes talk time
Charging scotty Pro (100%) with universal mains adapter:
8 -10 hours with NiCd batteries 600 -1.000 mAh,
12 - 16 hours with NiMH batteries 1.200-2.200 mAh.
M a n u a l s c o t t y P ro
Solar charge scotty Pro
4 hours
(1,2 hours with booster module)
10 hours
(3 hours with booster module)
100% full
no solar charge possible
1 -3 hours
Charging cell
45 minutes
2 hours
3 hours
0,5 - 1,5 hours
Aveerage operation
timcne cell phone
60 H h Standby
50 r min talk time
1503) h Standby
1255 min talk time
180)) h Standby
160)) min talk time
0,5 - 1 h cours
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