After charging you can either take the batteries and insert them into your external equipment or you
attach scottyPro directly to the device. For that purpose different adapter cables with different
pluggable adapters can be used. The energy stored in the batteries can be transferred much faster
into your device with the adapter cable as if the solar module was attached directly to the device.
During the energy transfer to external devices scottyPro can off course be placed in the sunlight which
even enlarges is efficiency.
However, you can alternatively operate or charge your external devices in direct solar operation mode
with scottyPro. For that you only have to remove the internal batteries, connect the external device via
adapter cable and place scottyPro into the sunlight as described before. Note: This operation mode
only makes sense at full sunshine and does not work with some devices since the current is too low.
Status of frequency o f the LED charging display:
M a n u a l s c o t t y P r o
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