and protected against the risk of accidental impact.
f) in particular, for each device ensure the following:
Photovoltaic panel
Ensure that the selected panel installation site guarantees 100%
direct exposure to direct sunlight (full sun) every day of the year. In
particular, ensure that the panel installation site is far from vegeta-
tion, walls or other situations that may create shade on the panel.
Caution! – the sensitive surface must be exposed to direct
sunlight in all points; partial shade, even if small in size (for
example caused by a leaf or other object) will significantly
re duce the power capacity of the panel.
Also, after installation, check the possibility of correctly position-
ing and inclining the panel, with reference to the instructions in
chapter 5.
To ensure optimal efficiency of the battery and prolonged lifetime,
it should be installed in a location protected against high summer
temperatures and low winter temperatures.
In fact the battery charge performance depends on the ambi-
ent temperature where the battery is installed; optimal efficiency
is ensured at around 20°C while this is reduced at temperatures
be low zero.
On the other hand, battery lifetime is influenced above all by high
summer temperatures (above 40°C), which accelerate part age-
ing. Normally the average lifetime is approx. 4-5 years; this also
depends on the intensity of automation use. The ideal situation is
to avoid excessive discharging of the battery due to very frequent
and repetitive manoeuvre cycles over periods of time.
• Application limits: Maximum possible number of cycles per
day within a set period of the year
SoleKIT enables complete autonomy of the system it powers, while
the average energy produced by the photovoltaic panel (which in
turn is proportional to that supplied by the sun) remains above that
consumed by the automation.
A simple calculation enables an estimate of the maximum number
of cycles per day performed by the automation in a certain period of
the year, provided that a positive energy balance is maintained.
The first part of the calculation (energy available) is dealt with in this
chapter, the second part of the calculation (energy consumed, i.e.
the maximum number of cycles per day) is dealt with in the respec-
tive chapter in the automation instruction manual.
Caution! - Not all automations produced by NICE are compatible
with SoleKIT. If the automation instruction manual (or addendums)
does not contain the chapter with the calculation of the maximum
number of cycles obtainable with energy supplied by SoleKIT, this
means that the automation is not compatible.
Calculating the energy available in a set period of the year
To calculate the energy available in a set period of the year, proceed
as follows (the calculation already takes into account the efficiency of
the photovoltaic panel and battery performance):
01. Fig. 19 shows the average quantity of solar power radiated by
the sun to the earth within one year. The 7 outlined areas show
that the quantity of energy differs from zone to zone, due to a
number of factors such as latitude, presence of clouds etc.
– Therefore, in fig. 19 read value "Ea" of the average annu-
al energy, available in your geographical area, as well as the
de grees of latitude of your geographical location.
02. As well as the measured value "Ea", the variable progress of
energy available in the various periods of the year must be
taken into account with reference to the specific zone. In fact,
the quantity of energy varies (increases/decreases) according
to the seasons (see the curves in graphs AA and BB): in the
mo nths with more exposure to sunlight (summer) much more
energy is available with respect to winter months; this differ-
ence is less evident in the zones closer to the equator and more
accentuated in the zones closer to the terrestrial poles.
– Therefore, to calculate the lowest number of manoeuvre
cycles per day, refer to graph AA (for zones north of the equa-
tor) or graph BB (for zones south of the equator) and select
the curve related to your latitude and the period of the year with
least exposure to sunlight (corresponding to the lowest point of
the curve). Then cross reference the two values, as shown in
the example on the graph, to obtain the value "Am" (radiation
within a set period).
03. Then calculate the value "Ed", i.e. the energy available in your
zone within the set period of the year, multiplying the values as
follows: Ea x Am = Ed.
04. Lastly, to calculate the maximum possible number of cycles
per day, for the selected period, calculate using the value
"Ed" obtained (energy available) according to the instructions in
the specific chapter of the automation instruction manual.
Warning – During the day, if the photovoltaic panel remains in the
shade for a certain period of time (in particular from 10 am to 2 pm)
the energy available decreases in proportion to the hours without
panel exposure to sunlight.
The previous chapter describes how to calculate the maximum num-
ber of automation cycles per day. This is an estimate based on the
average energy available within the period of one year. In the event
of long periods of particularly adverse weather conditions or when
more manoeuvres are required than those usually admitted, the
stored energy may run out.
When this occurs, the led on the battery indicates the battery dis-
charged status with one flash at regular intervals (approx. 5 seconds)
and beeps emitted in time with the Led: this signal may be tempo-
rary or permanent. In both cases, the battery must be recharged
according to one of the following procedures:
A) rapid recharge of battery using power supply unit mod. PBC2
(optional accessory);
B) limit use of the automation until the weather conditions improve
and enable recharging of the battery via the photovoltaic panel. In
both cases, the "battery discharged" warning is cleared when the
system reaches sufficient electrical autonomy to enable automation
English – 2