Technical data Modbus
Bus system
Transmission rate
Transmission mode
Bus length (max.)
Response time:
Default baudrate: 19 200 BPS, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, even parity
The communication is ready 10 s after the Power on
For a description of the used Registers please look at the register page
Data transmission
Only «Read Holding Registers [03]/ Write Multiple Registers [16]» instructions are recognized.
Up to 20 registers can be read and two registers can be written at a time.
The device supports broadcast messages.
In accordance with the Modbus protocol, a register R is numbered as R - 1 when transmitted.
The device has a voltage monitoring system. In case of voltage loss, registers are stored in EEPROM
(transmission rate, etc.)
Exception Responses
ILLEGAL FUNCTION [01]: The function code is not implemented.
ILLEGAL DATA ADDRESS [02]: The address of some requested registers is out of range
or more than 20 registers have been requested.
ILLEGAL DATA VALUE [03]: The value in the data field is invalid for the referenced register.
Change the Modbus address direct on device
The Modbus address can be set with the rotary switches.
The address is set max.10s as soon as the rotary switches no loger were rotated.
Modbus don't allow a device address «0». Nevertheless if it is set, the EEM-CONVERT module isn't communicating via the
bus and the the two LEDs are flashing each with 1Hz, however the S0 pulses are counted
Manufactured for and on behalf of the Environmental and Combustion Controls Division of Honeywell Technologies Sàrl, Rolle, Z.A. La Pièce 16,
Switzerland by its Authorized Representative:
Saia-Burgess Controls AG
Bahnhofstrasse 18
CH-3280 Murten / Switzerland
+41 (0)26 672 72 72
+41 (0)26 672 74 99
Subject to change without notice. Printed in Switzerland
Modbus, RTU according to IDA specification
2400-4800-9600-19 200-38 400-57 600-115 200.
The transmission baudrate and the parity are automatically detected
Even parity: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
Odd parity: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
No parity: 8 data bits, 2 stop bits
Transmission mode is automatically detected.
1200 m (without repeater)
Write: 30 ms
Read: 20 ms