Sikkerhedsforskrifter; Maintenance; Motor - Ferm FTB-13 Mode D'emploi

Table des Matières



I denne brugsanvisning anvendes de følgende piktogrammer :
Læs instruktionerne
CE I overensstemmelse med relevante europæiske sikkerhedsstandarder
Risiko for personskade eller beskadigelse af materiale.
Indikerer farer for elektrisk stød
Tag straks stikket ud af stikkontakten, hvis ledningen beskadiges og i forbindelse
med vedligeholdelse
Brug beskyttelsesbriller og høreværn
Hold omkringstående på afstand
Defekte og/eller kasserede elektriske eller elektroniske maskiner skal afleveres på
en genbrugsplads.
Når maskinen er i drift skal følgende punkter iagttages:
Fjern ikke mekaniske eller elektriske beskyttelsesanordninger.
Kontrollér, at samtlige beskyttelsesanordninger er monteret forskriftsmæssigt og at de er
fastgjort korrekt.
Bær sikkerhedsbriller, når du borer med maskinen.
Bær et hårnet eller en kasket, når du har langt hår, da det nemt kan komme i drejende dele.
Bær stramt siddende tøj og luk knapperne på ærmerne.
Hold ikke arbejdsemner i hånden, når du borer. Brug altid en maskinklemme eller en
anden fastspændingsanordning.
Sørg for, at arbejdsemner og fastspændingsanordninger på bordet (7) ikke kan
medtages. Fastgør dem med skruer eller klem dem fast i en klemme, der er fastskruet i
Kontrollér, at boreholderen er godt fastspændt.
Kontrollér, at kabelgennemføringerne er i orden.
Brug udelukkende en håndfejekost, pensel, rubbervisker, spånehage eller tilsvarende
hjælpemidler til at fjerne borespåner med.
Rens eller smør ikke maskiner, når de er i drift.
Sørg for, at kileremme altid er tildækket (så hænderne ikke kan komme ind i dem).
In order not to overheat the drill in this case, the supply and speed of rotation must be lowered
at the same time. In addition, the drill must be cooled with drill oil. For thin plates, quite large
drillings must be carried out carefully with little supply and little cutting pressure, so as to get a
precise result and so that the drilling remains the correct size. For deep drilling (larger than 2 x
the diameter of the drill) the discharge of chips is more difficult and the temperature of the drill
is higher. Therefore lower the supply and the number of revolutions and ensure a better
discharge of chips by regularly pulling back the drill. For drilling with a greater diameter than 8
mm, pre-drilling must take place, so that early wear of the drill - main cutting edge can be
avoided and so that the drilling point is not too heavily loaded.


Make sure that the machine is not live when carrying out maintenance work on the


The Ferm machines have been designed to operate over a long period of time with a minimum
of maintenance. Continuous satisfactory operation depends upon proper machine care and
regular cleaning.
Keep the ventilation slots of the machine clean to prevent overheating of the engine. Regularly
clean the machine housing with a soft cloth, preferably after each use. Keep the ventilation
slots free from dust and dirt. If the dirt does not come off use a soft cloth moistened with soapy
water. Never use solvents such as petrol, alcohol, ammonia water, etc. These solvents may
damage the plastic parts.
Every bearing in the drill press has been pre-lubricated in the factory. Further lubrication is
unnecessary. From time to time, you should grease the racks and pinions, the table lifting
mechanism, the spindle and the splines of the hollow shaft. Open the drive belt guard and
squirt a little oil onto the spindle shaft. Do not allow any oil to touch the drive belt!
Should a fault occur, e.g. after wear of a part, please contact the service address on the
warranty card. In the back of this manual you find an exploded view showing the parts that can
be ordered.
To prevent damage during transport, the appliance is delivered in a solid packaging which
consists largely of reusable material. Therefore please make use of options for recycling the
Faulty and/or discarded electrical or electronic apparatus have to be collected at
the appropriate recycling locations.


Table des Matières

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Table des Matières