Method 2. Add the IP channel in the camera management interface
1. Access the camera management menu following the path Main menu → Camera →
Camera Management.
2. Access the 'IP Channel' attributes page and select an inactive channel, filling in all the
data. Then click [Add].
There are three ways to add a camera:
1. ONVIF: if you select this protocol, you can add any ONVIF-compatible IP camera. The
formats in detail are shown in figure Ⓑ;
2. RTSP: you can add any IP camera that uses the RTSP protocol for managing video
You must select 554 for the port and enter the "resource path" for the camera. For the
Milesight device, for example, the main stream of the resource path is "/main" and the
secondary stream is "/sub".
Details regarding adding formats are shown in figure ⓒ;
3. MILESIGHT: if the IP camera is a Milesight device, you can select this protocol to add
the cameras. The formats in detail are shown in figure ⓓ.