Maintenance; Troubleshooting; Manufacturer Information - Novus J-316 A Mode D'emploi

Table des Matières


Les langues disponibles

Les langues disponibles

Disconnect the tool immediately from the air sup-
ply if it is defective or not in proper working order
and take it to a competent person for inspection.
Disconnect the tacker from the air supply and if
possible empty the magazine before prolonged
work breaks and after finishing work.
Protect the air connections on the tacker and the
air hoses from dirt. Any coarse dust, shavings,
sand etc. getting into the tacker will cause leaks
and damage the tool and the couplings.
<Further instructions are make and type-specific,
e.g. information on particular tool characteristics
and equipment, particular characteristics of the


Disconnect tool from compressed air system and
empty the magazine.
<Further instructions are make and type-specific,
e.g. topping up oil periodically, scope and frequen-
cy of servicing and testing.>


Disconnect tool from the compressed air system
and empty magazine.
<Further instructions are make and type-specific,
e.g. instructions on identifying faults and permis-
sible repairs.>
22 / 48

Manufacturer information

This device has been constructed and tested in
accordance with all currently applicable technical
regulations. It left the factory in perfect condition
in terms of safety and reliability. To keep it in such
a condition and to ensure risk-free operation, the
user must observe the instructions and warnings
given in the operating instructions.
• The device is not a toy and must be kept away
from children at all times.
• Check the device to ensure that it is in good
condition each time prior to its being put into
• In case of longer breaks or if it must be
assumed that safe operation is no longer possi-
ble, take the device out of operation and secure
it against accidental use.
• Manipulation such as the removal or blockage
of parts on the device is impermissible and will
void the warranty.
• Do not point the device at yourself, other peo-
ple or animals, and never fire it in open air or
with an empty magazine.
• For transport, disconnect the device from the
compressed air network and carry it only by the
handle while not pulling the trigger.
• Avoid anything which could weaken or damage
the device.
• Use only original NOVUS fasteners.


Table des Matières

Table des Matières