Mobile air conditioners produce warm exhaust air, which have
to be outward blown off over an exhaust air hose.
With mobile adoption and / or in a flat usually only the possibility
remains of blowing the warm exhaust air by an open or tilted
window. Thus, the cooling becomes however uneconomic and
uncomfortable, because warm air penetrates from the outside
again and again into the cooled area.
Hot Air Stop is a water-repellent, sturdy special foil with
inserted zipper, which is installed by means of self-adhesive
Velcro strips at windows and window frameworks. The plug of
the exhaust air hose can be problem-free put by the small
opened zipper and the current reversal of warm exhaust air
from the outside is prevented. As side effect it does not keep
away also from mosquitoes and other unwanted insects, cats
can not get jammed in tilted windows any more.
Hot Air Stop is also useable for vented dryers, both in the warm
and in the cold season.
Closing the windows is through removing the exhaust air hose
and folding in the foil or complete removing from Hot Air Stop at
any time possible.
Hot Air Stop is suitable for all usual window sizes, whose entire
rotating measure does not exceed 400 cm.
The applicable window size results for example out: 1x window
height left + 1x window height right + 1x window width.
Hot Air Stop is washable at max. 40 °C with mild detergent.
Mark the middle (M) of the window seal (Fig. 1).
Mark the middle of the window frame and the casement (Fig. 2-4) (Figure 2
shows an open window, Figure 3 a tilted window and Figure 4 an
open skylight).
Stick the Velcro tape to the front side (in most cases 1 cm wide) of the
casement or to the inner surface of the casement (where the window
handle is attached).
First fasten side A, then side B, starting in the middle and working all the way
to the left and right.
IMPORTANT! When fastening, point A must be exactly opposite point B.
When closing the window take care that the seal is not jammed between the
casement and window frame.
Open the zip preferably at the positions marked with "S" and attach the
exhaust air hose.
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