seCtIOn 9 |
coils, capacitors etc. draw very large inrush / starting currents which may reach up to 10 times their
normal operating currents. Ensure that the starting / inrush current or the maximum operating cur-
rent of the load is lower than the current limit value of the charger. Do not use a load that draws
more than 80A (40A +/- 1A for "Half Power Mode") for SEC-1280UL or more than 40A (20A +/- 1A
for "Half Power Mode") for SEC-2440UL. Once the load current is reduced below the above limiting
values, the charger will recover automatically.
tHe BAtteRy iS GettinG oVeR cHARGeD / oVeRHeAteD / LoSeS WAteR oR BoiLS.
• There is an external load connected to the battery when it is being charged: 3-stage charging is
recommended for charging stand-alone or unloaded batteries (there is no load connected to the
battery when it is being charged). If a load is also connected simultaneously, a part of the charger's
output current will be diverted to this load. Thus, the charger may remain locked in Stage 2 if the
current drawn by the load is more than the preset value of threshold current determining transition
from Stage 2 to Stage 3 .This will lead to overcharging, overheating and loss of electrolyte.
For charging a battery when a load is also connected simultaneously, Stage 2 voltage should be
the same as Stage 3 voltage (Stage 2 is disabled). Select "Loaded Battery" with the help of DIP
Switches S1 and S2 of the set of 4 DIP Switches - See under "DIP Switch Setting" on page 21.
• Two banks of batteries are being charged and the batteries in the two banks are in dissimilar
state of discharge: When charging more than one bank of batteries at the same time using 3
Stage Charging, ensure that the batteries in the banks are in a similar discharged condition. If one
bank is completely discharged and another is almost fully charged, the bank that is fully charged
will be subjected to over charge condition during the time when the charger remains in Stage 2
for charging the completely discharged bank.
If 2 banks of batteries are required to be charged and they are at different discharged conditions,
select "2 Stage Charging" with the help of switches S1 and S2 of the set of 4 Dip Switches (both S1
& S2 in off condition) - See under "DIP Switch Setting" on page 21.
• Very high charging current for low Ah capacity battery: Charging rate should normally be limited
to C/10 unless specified otherwise by the battery manufacturer. Very high charging rate may lead
to reduction in the cell voltage when gassing starts and can result in higher temperatures, loss of
water and boiling of the battery.
tHe BAtteRy iS tAKinG exceSSiVeLy LonG tiMe to FULLy RecHARGe oR WHen tHe
cHARGeR iS PoWeReD AnD iS BeinG USeD AS A Dc PoWeR SUPPLy / UPS, tHe oUt-
PUt VoLtAGe DRoPS At LoWeR Dc LoAD cURRentS.
• The unit is in "Half Power Mode": (Green LED (8) located on the bottom left corner of the front
panel of the unit is lighted). When this mode is selected, the maximum charging current will be
automatically reduced to 40A +/- 1A for SEC-1280UL and 20A +/-1A for SEC- 2440UL. Hence, the
charging time will increase. Switch off the "Half Power Mode" if the full rated charging capacity is