seCtIOn 9 |
The symptoms of abnormal operation and the possible cause(s) and remedies are given
in the succeeding paragraphs.
tHeRe iS no oUtPUt. tHe Ac PoWeR on/oFF SWitcH DoeS not iLLUMinAte WHen
SWitcHeD on. tHe VoLtAGe MeteR DoeSn't MoVe (on tHe ReMote PAneL, tHe
GReen LeD UnDeR "PoWeR" iS oFF).
• There is no AC input voltage in the outlet: Check that AC power is available in the AC outlet
receptacle and that it is switched ON.
• The AC input side fuse is blown due to:
- High input voltage: Check that the input voltage is 120 VAC nominal (normal range is 108
to 132 VAC).
- High voltage transients / surges in the AC input line: Ensure that the AC input voltage is clean
and does not have high voltage transients / surges. Input voltage surges / transients > 170 VAC
will blow the AC side fuse. Use a suitable AC line conditioner / surge suppressor, if necessary.
- The unit has become defective: If fuse is not blowing due to the above two causes, the unit
has become defective. Call Technical Support of assistance.
tHeRe iS no oUtPUt VoLtAGe. tHe VoLtAGe MeteR DoeSn't MoVe AnD tHe Ac
PoWeR on/oFF SWitcH iS iLLUMinAteD ReD (on tHe oPtionAL ReMote contRoL
900-Rc, tHe ReD LeD UnDeR "i PHASe" iS LiGHteD, tHe GReen LeD UnDeR "PoWeR" iS
LiGHteD). tHe FAn iS on continUoUSLy.
The DC side output fuse is blown: The DC side fuse will blow if the battery is connected in wrong
polarity. Ensure that the Positive battery post is connected to the Positive connector of the charger
(either Bank 1 or Bank 2) and the Negative battery post is connected to the Negative connector
(common) of the charger. Replace the fuse with a fuse of the specified rating.
• The battery / DC load is shorted: Check and remove the short circuit. The charger will latch in the
off condition if it was shut down due to short circuit and will NOT reset automatically. To re-set,
switch off the AC power input ON / OFF switch and switch ON again.
• Shut down due to high temperature: Check that the cooling fan is working, the air vents are not
clogged and the ambient temperature is not very high. The charger will be latched in this shut
down condition and will NOT reset automatically even after the unit has cooled down. To reset,
the AC input power ON / OFF switch has to be switched off and ON again.
• AC input has been set to 230 VAC and is being operated at 120 VAC: Check the position of the in-
ternal jumper for setting 120 VAC / 230 VAC operation. For 120 VAC operation, the jumper should
be connected and should be shorting points "C" and "D" on the PCB
WHen tHe cHARGeR iS PoWeReD AnD iS BeinG USeD AS A Dc PoWeR SUPPLy / UPS,
tHe oUtPUt VoLtAGe DRoPS WHen tHe Dc LoAD iS SWitcHeD on oR incReASeD.
The charger is being forced into current limit condition. The load is trying to draw current more
than the current limit value of the charger - 80A for Normal operation & 40A +/- 1A for "Half Power
Mode" for SEC-1280UL and 40A for Normal operation & 20A +/- 1A for "Half Power Mode" for
SEC-2440UL (the current limit value is the maximum specified charging Amps). Once the load current
reaches the current limit value, the current limit circuit is activated and the output voltage drops.
Some loads like motors, compressors, incandescent lamps, halogen lamps, heating elements, relays,