seCtIOn 6 |
LocAtion, MoUntinG AnD SAFety
The charger is required to be installed in a safe, well ventilated and dry location.
Please see the details given under "Important Safety Precautions". The charger can be
mounted horizontally or vertically. When mounting vertically on a wall or a bulkhead,
please ensure that the axis of the fan rotor is horizontal i.e. the fan exhaust opening
should face left or right but NOT face up or down.
Mounting the unit vertically on a vertical surface with the fan opening facing
up or down is NOT allowed for safety. This is to prevent falling of objects into
the unit through the fan grille when the fan opening faces up. If fan opening
faces down, hot damaged components may fall out.
oUtPUt connectoRS
Connectors with tubular, screw down type of terminals are used for output connection.
The diameter of the tubular hole of the connector is 8 mm (0.31 inches). Two positive
output connectors (1, 2) are provided for connecting to the Positive terminals of the 2
banks of batteries. One common connector (3) is provided for the Negative
connection. The set screw size is M8.
teRMinAL LUGS FoR connection to tHe cHARGeR
For firm connection when using stranded wire, crimp / solder "pin" style terminal lugs
on the charger end of the DC wires used for connecting to the battery / other DC loads.
3 pieces of "pin" style terminal lugs have been provided as follows:
• For SEC-1280UL Will accommodate up to AWG #2 wire / 35 mm
• For SEC-2440UL Will accommodate up to AWG #4 wire / 25 mm
To avoid polarity errors and possible damage, never use wires of only one color. Use Red
insulated wire(s) for Positive connection(s) and Black for Negative connection(s).
Recommended DC wire sizes are given below (Based on a voltage drop of 2%). The
length in feet is the length of the pair of the positive and negative DC wires from the
charger to the battery / other DC loads.
Distance From Battery
Up to 6 ft.
6 to 10 ft
10 to 20 ft.
teRMinAtion oF WiRe enDS
For firm connection when using stranded wire, wire ends for the connection to the
charger should be terminated with pin types of lugs that have been provided.
AWG #2
AWG #1/0
AWG #3/0
AWG #8
AWG #6
AWG #4