seCtIOn 7 |
In a single battery bank, two or more batteries may be connected in parallel to increase
their AH capacity. These will be discharged and charged as a single battery bank. In this
case, the paralleled bank of multiple batteries is to be considered as a single bank and
connected to any one of the 2 banks of the charger as shown in Fig. 7.2 for bank of 4
batteries. For proper charging of all the batteries, please ensure that the Positive wire
"A" from the charger is connected to the Positive terminal of the first battery (Battery
1) and the Negative wire "B" is connected to the Negative terminal of the last battery
(Battery 4). This will ensure the following:
• Resistance of the interconnecting cables will be balanced and the individual batteries
will see the same series resistance
• All the individual batteries will be charged at the same charging current and thus will
be charged to the same state of charge
• None of the batteries will see an over-charge condition
When connecting a single battery or other single DC load, it can be connected to the
common Negative and any one of the 2 Positive terminals as in Fig. 7.1.
cHARGinG MoRe tHAn one BAnK oF BAtteRieS
When charging more than one bank of batteries at the same time using 3 Stage
Charging, ensure that the batteries in the banks are in a similar discharged con-
dition. If one bank is completely discharged and another is almost fully charged,
the bank that is fully charged will be subjected to over charge condition during
the time when the charger remains in Stage 2 ("Uo" Phase) for charging the
completely discharged bank.
If 2 banks of batteries are required to be charged and they are at different
discharged conditions, select "Loaded Battery" (2 Stage Charging) with the help
of switches S1 and S2 of the set of 4 DIP Switches (both S1 & S2 in off condition)
- See under heading "Dip Switch Setting" on page 21.
SeLectinG tyPe oF BAtteRy AnD cHARGinG StAGeS
Stage 3 Float Stage ("U" Phase) voltage and Stage 2 Absorption Stage ("Uo" Phase) volt-
age are different for different types of Lead Acid Batteries.
3 Stage charging (Stages 1, 2 and 3) is recommended when charging stand alone, un-
loaded battery (The battery has no load connected to it when it is being charged).
When the charger is used to charge a battery and simultaneously supply an external
load, the voltage level of Stage 2 is required to be set to the same level as the voltage of
Stage 3 to prevent over-charging. Effectively, the battery will be charged in 2 stages only
Preparing the Charger for Operation