Fastening in the frame
Once the correct extension for the seatpost has been determined, align the
saddle straight to the frame using the saddle nose and the down tube or top
tube as references. Tighten up the screw of the seat post clamp using a torque
wrench to the tightening torque specified by the frame maker. Do not exceed the
maximum tightening torque of 7 Nm for the CF Allroad Pro Carbon seat post
regardless of the frame makers torque (Fig. 1). If you need to adjust the seatpost
extension at a future date, please ensure that you follow the instructions in this
max. 7 Nm
Fig. 1: Tightening the seatpost clamping screw.
Adjusting the horizontal position (fore/aft) of the saddle
The distance from the nose of the saddle to the handlebars can be set in the
usual way by sliding the saddle in the saddle clamp unit. Use your previous
measurements from your old set up. Undo the two saddle clamping screws by
one or two turns. Push the saddle (Fig. 1) and note during adjustment the
clamping area of the saddle that is typically delineated by an imprinted scale or
stop markings on the saddle rails. Never clamp the saddle beyond these
delineating marks. Fasten the saddle clamp screws using 4–5 Nm. (Fig. 2). For
tips on adjusting the horizontal position of the saddle, see page 66.
The CF Allroad Pro Carbon also allows an increase in the adjustment range by
turning the entire Flip Head saddle clamp unit. The following instructions (on
pages 54–55) must be followed when using this method.
Fig. 1: Loosen the saddle clamp screws.
Adjust the horizontal position of the
1-2 x
Fig. 2: Tighten the saddle clamp
screws to 4–5 Nm.
max. 5 Nm